Rocket.Chat App for creating polls.

MIT License


Rocket.Chat Poll App

Compatibility table

Poll Version Minimum Rocket.Chat Version
v2.x+ 3.0.0
v1.x 0.74.1


  • As many options as you want
  • Single/multiple choices
  • Confidential votes (don't show who voted for what)
  • Hide results until the poll is finished


Rocket.Chat Poll App is provided via Rocket.Chat Marketplace . To install it on your Rocket.Chat server, go to the Admin area, then Marketplace and search for Poll, click Install and you're ready to go.

How to use it

Use the slash command to create a poll:

/poll What is your favorite color?

Fill the form:

The following poll will be created:


You'll need to set up the Rocket.Chat Apps dev environment, please see

To install the using the command line, you have to turn on the setting Enable development mode on the Rocket.Chat server under Admin > General > Apps.

Change the values from .rcappsconfig to reflect your dev environment.

Then you can clone this repo and then:

npm install
rc-apps deploy

Follow the instructions and when you're done, the app will be installed on your Rocket.Chat server.