
(🏛️,🏛️) RomeDAO Rewards Calculator

GPL-3.0 License


(🏛️,🏛️) RomeDAO Rewards Calculator

A rewards calculator for RomeDAO.

It goes without saying: thanks to Lobis for the inspiration. The calculator and app are not directly affiliated to RomeDAO. The calculator link is pinned in the Discord on #trading

How to deploy locally

Clone the repo and run:

yarn run dev

To start developing locally. There are no env variables needed.

How does it work

The CalculatorContext is where the data fetching happens. We use ethers to instantiate contracts, and call the various functions. Once we read and compute all the needed data, we send them through a useCalculator hook in the Calculator.tsx component. There the data is computed, formatted and displayed.


How to contribute

There are some things that need to be fixed. And some refactoring is needed. You can either:

  • Report a bug or an issue in issues
  • Create an issue and announce that you are building the fix
  • Directly create your pull request

To contribute, fork the repo on your profile, do your edits, and create a pull request here based on develop.


There's some format to follow when you create an issue, it so for better communication and experience.

Issues template

Title: Title of your issue
Type: Bug/Enhancement/Feature/Request/Other
Details: Details
I'm on it: Yes or No

PRs template

Title: Title of your issue
Type: Bug/Enhancement/Feature/Request/Other
Details: Details
Fixes: Link an issue if needed

To Rome!

Contributions are open for everyone, don't hesitate to bring your knowledge, or to come here to enhance your skills. It is also a good repo to start learning web3 and front-end development.

Don't forget a look at ROMEDAO. And (🏛️,🏛️)!!


You can contact me through Twitter if needed.