

Return of Reckoning (RoR) Career Builder

Repository for the RoR Career Builder web app. An online resource for players of the independently run reboot of Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, now known as Return of Reckoning.

The app is primarily built with React using ES6 syntax (compiled via Babel). Webpack is used to build the dev server and production files (instructions below). The JavaScript is linted using ESLint with a slightly modified Airbnb config.

Alongside the JavaScript source files sit the CSS source files. CSS Modules have been used in combination with regular PostCSS utility classes. All CSS is compiled by Webpack (inline for development and into an external CSS file for production).

Other assets utilised are:

You can see the the RoR Career Builder in action at:


  • Clone the repository to a destination of your choice.
  • At the destination folder, install the assets using npm:
npm install
npm start
  • To create a production ready version of the app (in /build directory) run:
npm run build

Note: When creating production ready version, remember to populate analytics.js with real Google Analytics configuration.