
A package to create a tree of named routes

MIT License



A package to create a tree (trie) of named routes, allowing you to build and match routes.

$ npm install route-node --save

Creating your tree

To read about how to define paths, look at path-parser README

import rootNode from 'route-node'

// Create nodes
const usersNode = new RouteNode('users', '/users', [
  new RouteNode('list', '/list'),
  new RouteNode('view', '/view/:id')

// You can also use plain objects
const ordersNode = new RouteNode('orders', '/orders', [
  { name: 'pending', path: '/pending' },
  { name: 'completed', path: '/completed' },
  { name: 'view', path: '/view/:id' }

// Creating a top root node
const rootNode = new RouteNode('', '', [ordersNode, usersNode])

// Add nodes programmatically
rootNode.add(new RouteNode('home', '/home'))

/ paths (empty paths)

When using a deeply nested / path, it will automatically be matched when its parent is matched.

const tree = new RouteNode('', '', [
  new RouteNode('admin', '/admin', [
    new RouteNode('home', '/'),
    new RouteNode('users', '/users')

tree.matchPath('/admin') // => { name: 'admin.home', params: {} }
tree.buildPath('admin.home', {}, { trailingSlashMode: 'never' }) // => '/admin'


const node = new RouteNode('admin', '/admin', [], options)

Where options can contain:

  • onAdd: a callback called when adding routes (with contructor or .add), you can pass a callback which will be executed for each route added successfully to the tree.
  • parent: the node parent
  • finalSort: to sort children (matching order) after having added all children routes (rather than on each add)
  • sort: whether to sort on each add or not (default to true, overriden by finalSort)

Building and matching routes

node.buildPath(routeName: string, params?: object, options?: BuildOptions): string

rootNode.buildPath('users.view', { id: 1 }) // => "/users/view/1"


Node children need to be sorted for matching purposes. By default this operation happens after having added all routes.

matchPath(path: string, options?: MatchOptions): RouteNodeState | null

// => {name: "users.view", params: {id: "1"}}


Options available:

  • 'urlParamsEncoding, to specify how URL parameters are encoded and decoded:
    • 'default': encodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent are used but some characters to encode and decode URL parameters, but some characters are preserved when encoding (sub-delimiters:+,:,',!,,,;,*).
    • 'uriComponent': use encodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent
      for encoding and decoding URL parameters.
    • 'uri': use encodeURI and `decodeURI for encoding amd decoding
      URL parameters.
    • 'none': no encoding or decoding is performed
    • 'legacy': the approach for version 5.x and below (not recommended)
  • trailingSlashMode:
    • 'default': building follows path definitions
    • 'never': when building, trailing slash is removed
    • 'always': when building, trailing slash is added
  • queryParamsMode:
    • 'default': a path will match with any query parameters added, but when building, extra parameters won't appear in the returned path.
    • 'strict': a path with query parameters which were not listed in node definition will cause a match to be unsuccessful. When building, extra parameters won't appear in the returned path.
    • 'loose': a path will match with any query parameters added, and when building, extra parameters will appear in the returned path.
  • queryParams: options for query parameters
  • caseSensitive: whether path matching is case sensitive or not (default to false)