
Angular app that showcases RxJS operators



Showcase RxJS operators using RxJS operators.

Marble diagram visualizations are created for many of the operators explained in the RxJS operator and RxJS Observable Creators.

There are many other versions of this project and some are more advanced than this one such as http://rxmarbles.com/

Most of the implementations use an interval (typically via timer) to display the marble diagram and Observables working over time. It originally attempted to somewhat mirror the visualizations from the original documentation (now Obsolete although the new documentation should add these visualizations at some point) and includes editorial comments from the author, @ajcrites.

This makes heavy use of Observable timer as a source observable. take was also heavily used to limit the length of the source Observable and eventually end the examples. Other variations of skip and map were used to manipulate values for display purposes.

This was built using the Angular framework.

See CONTRIBUTING.md for information on development and adding contributions and fixes.


  • Build frame / menu to allow selection(s)
  • Allow restarting of diagram without requiring refresh
  • Include static operators (Observable) -- now Observable Creators.
  • Include versions with other arguments
  • Allow users to manipulate arguments
  • Support HMR
  • Stackblitz support