
Bookmark manager inspired by



The "What/Why/When/Where/Who"

What is "schmackhaft"?

Schmackhaft is a browser extension to navigate (and manage) browser bookmarks based on tags. As of version "1.0", navigating is comfortable. The "manage" part is still very limited.

Schmackhaft aggregates bookmarks from a configurable collection of "sources". Whether these "sources" allow adding new bookmarks, depends on the source.

The above screenshots shows the main interface. In the screenshot, the bookmarks are filtered to include everything with the tag "programming" and exclude everything with the tag "YouTube Channel".

Why "schmackhaft"?

This is twofold:

  • Scratching my own itch: I loved using when it was still fully
    functional. It made it really simple to save bookmarks and find them back
    efficiently. schmackhaft intends to reproduce this efficient browsing.
  • Sharing Bookmarks: At the office we (a team of sys-admins and developers)
    would like to provide our users with a list of bookmarks to our applications.


Development started in mid 2022 here on GitHub by Michel Albert.


Distribution of the extension happens via the extension stores. With the exception of Chrome (which does not allow publishing from Luxembourg) it should be findable in the appropriate store.

Note for Firefox: At the time of this writing, Mozilla is a bit finnicky to accept the build. If you cannot find it, follow the manual instruction below.

Use the following links to the store listings:

Manual Installation

Prebuilt releases are available in the GitHub releases page. These releases are unofficial and unsigned by the browsers. As unsigned release, they must be installed as "unpackaged" (edge) or "from file" (Firefox). This may not be possible in a corporate environment.

Including/Excluding Tags

To change a tag from being "inclusive" or "exclusive", simply click on it repeatedly (not double-clicking).

  • Clicking one, will set it to "inclusive" (green).
  • Clicking again will set it to "exclusive" (red).
  • A third click reverts it to "neutral.

Right-clicking reverses the steps above. So you can simply right-click on a tag to remove all links with that tag.


See the configuration page

Development, Building & Maintenance

See the development page

Extracted from project README
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