
Decorator-based dependency injection library.

MIT License


Decorator-based Dependency Injection


  • Instance dependencies — Define service dependencies that already exist.
  • Class dependencies — Define service dependency classes that are instantiated on demand.
  • Optional dependencies — Define service dependencies that may be null if not in the container.
  • n-ary dependencies — Define multiple dependencies that may be resolved for a single ServiceIdentifier.
  • Lazy dependencies — Create proxies for services that may have circularities.
  • Constructor dependencies — Define dependencies that are injected as constructor arguments.
  • Field dependencies — Define dependencies that are injected as fields after an dependency has been instantiated.
  • Hierarchical dependency trees — Seperate reusable services with longer lifetimes from transient services.


npm install service-composition


NOTE: The following examples use TypeScript, but its possible to use service-composition in JavaScript (without decorators) as well. See below for examples

Step 1 - Define Services


import { ServiceIdentifier } from "service-composition";

const const IHelloService = ServiceIdentifier.create<IHelloService>("IHelloService");

export interface IHelloService {
    sayHello(name: string): string;


import { ServiceIdentifier } from "service-composition";

const const ITranslateService = ServiceIdentifier.create<ITranslateService>("ITranslateService");

export interface ITranslateService {
    format(message: string, args: Record<string, any>): string;

Step 2 - Define Implementations and Dependencies


import { IHelloService } from "./ihelloservice";
import { ITranslateService } from "./itranslateservice";

export class HelloService implements IHelloService {
    constructor(@ITranslateService private translate: ITranslateService) {

    sayHello(name: str) {
        return this.translate.format("hello, {name}", { name });

Step 3 - Wire up Services


import { ServiceCollection } from "service-composition";

// service interfaces
import { IHelloService } from "./ihelloservice";
import { ITranslateService } from "./itranslateservice";

// concrete services (or mock services for testing)
import { HelloService } from "./helloservice";

const serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

// define factories
serviceCollection.setClass(IHelloService, HelloService);

// define instances
serviceCollection.setInstance(ITranslateService, {
    format(message: string, args: Record<string, any>) {
        return message.replace(/\{([\w\d_$]+)\}/g, (_, key) => key in args ? args[key] : _);

// create container
const serviceProvider = serviceCollection.createContainer();

// resolve dependencies and get instances
const helloService = serviceProvider.getService(IHelloService);
console.log(helloService.sayHello("Alice")); // prints: hello, Alice

Using in JavaScript (commonjs)


const { ServiceIdentifier } = require("service-composition");

/** @type {ServiceIdentifier<IHelloService>} */
exports.IHelloService = ServiceIdentifier.create("IHelloService");

 * @typedef IHelloService
 * @property {(name: string) => string} sayHello


const { ServiceIdentifier } = require("service-composition");

/** @type {ServiceIdentifier<ITranslateService>} */
exports.ITranslateService = ServiceIdentifier.create("ITranslateService");

 * @typedef ITranslateService
 * @property {(message: string, args: Record<string, any>) => string} format


const { ITranslateService } = require("./itranslateservice.js")
class HelloService {
     * @param {import("./translateservice").ITranslateService} translate
    constructor(translate) {
        this.translate = translate;

     * @param {string} name
    sayHello(name) {
        return this.translate.format("hello, {name}", { name });

// Call decorator directly
ITranslateService(HelloService, undefined, /*parameterIndex*/ 0);
exports.HelloService = HelloService;


const { ServiceCollection } = require("service-composition");

// service interfaces
const { IHelloService } = require("./ihelloservice");
const { ITranslateService } = require("./itranslateservice");

// concrete services (or mock services for testing)
const { HelloService } = require("./helloservice");

const serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

// define factories
serviceCollection.setClass(IHelloService, HelloService);

// define instances
serviceCollection.setInstance(ITranslateService, {
    format(message, args) {
        return message.replace(/\{([\w\d_$]+)\}/g, (_, key) => key in args ? args[key] : _);

// create container
const serviceProvider = serviceCollection.createContainer();

// resolve dependencies and get instances
const helloService = serviceProvider.getService(IHelloService);
console.log(helloService.sayHello("Alice")); // prints: hello, Alice

API Overview

  • interface ServiceIdentifier — Identifies a service within the composition graph, and is a decorator that
    indicates the provided dependency is required.
    • serviceName — Gets the (optional) name of the service.
  • namespace ServiceIdentifier — Methods used to get/create ServiceIdentifier instances.
    • create(name?: string | symbol) — Creates a unique service identifier, which can act as a
      parameter or field decorator.
  • function optional(id) — A decorator that indicates the provided ServiceIdentifier is an optional dependency.
  • function many(id) — A decorator that indicates the provided ServiceIdentifier is an n-ary dependency.
  • enum ServiceDependencyCardinality — Describes the cardinality of a ServiceDependency:
    • ZeroOrOne — The dependency may have at most one service.
    • ExactlyOne — The dependency may have exactly one service.
    • ZeroOrMore — The dependency may have any number of services.
  • interface ServiceDependency — Describes a dependency on a class.
    • id — The ServiceIdentifier that satisfies this dependency.
    • parameterIndex — The constructor parameter this dependency satisfies, if this describes a parameter.
    • propertyName — The name of the property (i.e., field) this dependency satisfies, if this describes a property.
    • cardinality — The cardinality of the dependency.
  • namespace ServiceDependency:
    • store(id, target, parameterIndex, cardinality) — Stores information about a ServiceDependency for a constructor parameter.
    • store(id, target, propertyName, cardinality) — Stores information about a ServiceDependency for a property/field on an instance.
    • get(target) — Gets the ServiceDependencies for a class.
    • isParameterDependency(dependency) — Tests whether a ServiceDependency is for a constructor parameter.
    • isPropertyDependency(dependency) — Tests whether a ServiceDependency is for an instance field/property.
  • class ServiceDescriptor — Describes how a service should be activated.
    • static forClass(ctor, staticArguments, supportsDelayedInstantiation) — Creates a ClassDescriptor for a class with the provided bound arguments and whether the result can be created as a Proxy for circular dependencies.
    • static forInstance(value) — Creates an InstanceDescriptor for a value.
    • abstract activate(dependencies) — Instantiates a service from the descriptor.
  • class ClassDescriptor — A ServiceDescriptor describing a class.
    • bind(...args) — Binds additional static arguments to a ClassDescriptor.
    • activate(dependencies) — Instantiates a service from the descriptor.
  • class InstanceDescriptor — A ServiceDescriptor describing an instance.
    • activate(dependencies) — Instantiates a service from the descriptor.
  • class ServiceCollection — A catalog that maps a ServiceIdentifier to a ServiceDescriptor.
    • new ServiceCollection(entries?) — Creates a new ServiceCollection.
    • get size() — Returns the number of entries in the collection.
    • has(id) — Returns whether a ServiceIdentifier is present in the collection.
    • get(id) — Gets the ServiceDescriptor associated with a ServiceIdentifier.
    • set(id, descriptor) — Sets the ServiceDescriptor or an array of ServiceDescriptor objects to use for a ServiceIdentifier.
    • setInstance(id, value) — Shorthand for col.set(id, ServiceDescriptor.forInstance(value)).
    • setClass(id, ctor, staticArguments, supportsDelayedInstantiation?) — Shorthand for col.set(id, ServiceDescriptor.forClass(ctor, staticArguments, supportsDelayedInstantiation)).
    • add(id, descriptor) — Adds a ServiceDescriptor or an array of ServiceDescriptor objects to use for a ServiceIdentifier (similar to col.set, except it appends to the list of descriptors).
    • addInstance(id, value) — Shorthand for col.add(id, ServiceDescriptor.forInstance(value)).
    • addClass(id, ctor, staticArguments, supportsDelayedInstantiation?) — Shorthand for col.add(id, ServiceDescriptor.forClass(ctor, staticArguments, supportsDelayedInstantiation)).
    • createContainer(parent?) — Creates a ServiceContainer with an optional parent.
  • interface IServiceProvider — Describes the shape of a service provider.
  • const IServiceProvider — A ServiceIdentifier for an IServiceProvider.
  • class ServiceContainer — Instantiates and holds references to services described in a ServiceCollection. Every ServiceContainer has a single IServiceProvider dependency of itself.
    • new ServiceContainer(services) — Creates a new ServiceContainer from a ServiceCollection.
    • createInstance(descriptor, ...args) — Instantiates a ClassDescriptor or class with the provided static arguments.
    • hasService(serviceId) — Tests whether the provided ServiceIdentifier can be instantiated by the container.
    • getServices(serviceId) — Instantiates services for the provided ServiceIdentifier (when not already instantiated) and returns an array of all instantiated services.
    • getService(serviceId) — Instantiates the service for the provided ServiceIdentifier (when not already instantiated) and returns it. Throws an error if there is not exactly one service for the provided ServiceIdentifier.
    • tryGetService(serviceId) — Instantiates the service for the provided ServiceIdentifier (when not already instantiated) and returns it if it was defined. Throws an error if there is more than one service for the provided ServiceIdentifier.
    • createChild(services) — Creates a child container for this container's services and the provided ServiceCollection.


This package depends on the following packages at runtime:

  • @esfx/iter-fn - For enhanced iteration.
  • @esfx/lazy - For lazy initialization of classes.
  • graphmodel - For managing the composition graph.
  • tslib - For TypeScript runtime helpers.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.

Third Party License Notice

This package is partially based on the dependency injection system used by VS Code, but with substantial changes in implementation. Please review THIRD_PARTY_NOTICES for more information.