
Unofficial API for Sharefile

GPL-3.0 License



A TypeScript library for interacting with the ShareFile API. This package provides a simple and intuitive interface to perform operations on ShareFile items such as files and folders.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Basic Usage
  3. Key Features
  4. API Reference
    1. ShareFileAPI
    2. SharefileItem
    3. DownloadSpecification
    4. UploadSpecification
    5. SharefileSearchResults
  5. Common Use Cases
    1. Navigating the File Structure
    2. File Operations
    3. Folder Management
    4. Searching and Filtering
    5. Sharing and Collaboration
    6. Version Control
    7. Bulk Operations
  6. Contributing
  7. License


npm install @jc-rowland/sharefile-client-api

Basic Usage

import ShareFileAPI from '@jc-rowland/sharefile-client-api';

// Create an API instance
const shareFileAPI = new ShareFileAPI({
  subdomain: 'your-subdomain',
  username: 'your-username',
  password: 'your-password',
  clientId: 'your-client-id',
  clientSecret: 'your-client-secret'

// Authenticate
await shareFileAPI.connect();

// Now you're ready to use the API

Key Features

  • Easy authentication
  • Retrieve items by ID or path
  • Download files and folders
  • Update item properties
  • Move and rename items
  • Upload files
  • List folder contents
  • Search for items
  • Create and manage folders
  • Handle file versions

API Reference


The main entry point for interacting with the ShareFile API.


constructor(auth: SharefileApiAuth)


  • connect(): Promise<string>
  • getItem(idOrPath: string | ShareFileAPIModels.SpecialItemIDs): Promise<SharefileItem>
  • getFolderContents(folderId: string, queryParams?: Record<string, any>): Promise<SharefileItem[]>
  • createItem(parentId: string, itemType: string, itemData: Record<string, any>): Promise<SharefileItem>
  • deleteItem(itemId: string): Promise<void>
  • searchItems(query: string, searchParams?: Record<string, any>): Promise<SharefileSearchResults>
  • getHttpClient(): SharefileHTTP


Represents a file or folder in ShareFile.


  • download(redirect: boolean, includeAllVersions?: boolean, includeDeleted?: boolean): Promise<string | DownloadSpecification>
  • createFolder(folderName: string, description?: string, overwrite: boolean = false): Promise<SharefileItem>
  • updateItem(ops: SharefileNodeAPI.Items.UpdateItemOps_Body): Promise<SharefileItem>
  • rename(newValue: string): Promise<SharefileItem>
  • move(parentIdorPath: string): Promise<SharefileItem>
  • getParent(): Promise<SharefileItem>
  • children(includeDeleted = false): Promise<SharefileItem[]>
  • childBy(propName: keyof SharefileItem, propVal: any, includeDeleted = false): Promise<SharefileItem | undefined>
  • upload(contents: string | Buffer, filename: string): Promise<SharefileItem | undefined>
  • getStream(includeDeleted: boolean = false): Promise<ShareFileAPIModels.Item[]>
  • delete(singleversion: boolean = false, forceSync: boolean = false): Promise<true>


Handles the download process for ShareFile items.


  • checkStatus(): Promise<boolean>
  • download(): DownloadChain
  • waitAndDownload(maxAttempts: number = 10, interval: number = 2000): Promise<DownloadChain>

DownloadChain Methods

  • toBuffer(): Promise<Buffer>
  • toStream(): Promise<ReadableStream>


Handles the upload process for ShareFile items.


  • upload(contents: string | Buffer): Promise<string>


Represents the results of a search operation in ShareFile.


  • PartialResults: boolean
  • Results: SharefileItem[]
  • TimedOut: boolean


  • getNextPage(): Promise<SharefileSearchResults | null>

Common Use Cases

1. Navigating the File Structure

Get Home Folder

const homeFolder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('home');
console.log(`Home folder name: ${homeFolder.Name}`);

List Folder Contents

const folderContents = await homeFolder.children();
folderContents.forEach(item => {
  console.log(`${item.Name} (${})`);

Navigate to a Specific Folder

const documentsFolder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('/Personal Folders/Documents');
const files = await documentsFolder.children();

2. File Operations

Upload a File

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
const fileContent = 'Hello, ShareFile!';
const newFile = await folder.upload(fileContent, 'hello.txt');
console.log(`File uploaded: ${newFile.Name}`);

Download a File

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
const downloadLink = await;
console.log(`Download link: ${downloadLink}`);

// Or download as a buffer
const downloadSpec = await;
const buffer = await downloadSpec.waitAndDownload().then(chain => chain.toBuffer());

Update File Properties

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
await file.updateItem({
  Name: 'Updated File Name.txt',
  Description: 'This file has been updated.'

Move a File

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
const newParentFolder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('new-folder-id');
await file.move(;

Delete a File

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
await file.delete();

3. Folder Management

Create a New Folder

const parentFolder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('parent-folder-id');
const newFolder = await parentFolder.createFolder('New Folder', 'Description of the new folder');

Rename a Folder

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
await folder.rename('New Folder Name');

4. Searching and Filtering

Search for Items

const searchResultObj = await shareFileAPI.searchItems('budget report');
searchResultObj.Results.forEach(item => {
  console.log(`Found: ${item.Name} (${})`);

Filter Folder Contents

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
const pdfFiles = await folder.children({
  $filter: "endswith(Name, '.pdf') eq true"

5. Sharing and Collaboration

Get Share Link

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
const shareLink = await file.createShareLink({ 
  ExpirationDate: '2023-12-31',
  RequireLogin: false
console.log(`Share link: ${shareLink.Uri}`);

6. Version Control

Get File Versions

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
const versions = await file.getStream();
versions.forEach(version => {
  console.log(`Version: ${version.CreationDate}`);

7. Bulk Operations

Upload Multiple Files

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
const filesToUpload = [
  { name: 'file1.txt', content: 'Content 1' },
  { name: 'file2.txt', content: 'Content 2' }

for (const file of filesToUpload) {
  await folder.upload(file.content,;

Download Multiple Files

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
const files = await folder.children();

for (const file of files) {
  const downloadSpec = await;
  const buffer = await downloadSpec.waitAndDownload().then(chain => chain.toBuffer());
  // Process or save the buffer


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.