
Example Shiny component


Shiny component experiments

This repository contains experiments with Shiny components for both R and Python.

The folders are organized as follows:

  • r: R package
  • py: Python package
  • js: TypeScript code for the component

Using the component


Install the R package:


After installing, you can run the demo app. Either copy and paste the example app into your R console, or run:

shiny::runApp(system.file("examples/puffins", package = "shinycomponent"))


To install the Python package:

pip uninstall -y shinycomponent
pip install "shinycomponent@git+"

After installing, you can run the demo app. Save the example app to a file named, and run it:

shiny run --port 8000 --launch-browser

If you have cloned the repository, you run the example app (without needing to create a new copy of the file):

shiny run py/examples/puffins/ --port 8000 --launch-browser

Usage in Python-Shinylive

In Python-Shinylive, you can use the component by adding a requirements.txt with the following line:

(This wheel file is built automatically from the main branch, and it is committed to the main-build branch.)


Quarto documents can use these components via R. First, install the R package as described above. Then in your document, use library(shinycomponent) and then you can simply use any components in an R code block.

See the example document.

Developing the component

To do development on the component, first clone this repository.


You can use devtools to install the R package from the sources on disk. First start R in the r/ directory, then run:


Or you can load the package from disk without installing. It will stay loaded for the duration of the R session.



To install the Python package in development mode:

# Create a virtual environment - recommended but not required
python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

cd py

pip install -e ".[dev]"


The component is written in TypeScript. To set up the build environment, first make sure you have node/npm installed.

Then, install the dependencies:

cd js
npm i

To build the component:

npm run build

To watch for changes and rebuild automatically:

npm run build -- --watch

To watch for changes in theming css and javascript concurently

npm run dev

Developement Environment Setup

If using VSCode as your IDE, you can use the following extensions to make development easier:

CSS Variable Autocomplete

Allows autocompete for css variables from open-props and our own built in themes. Will automatically work based on the .vscode/settings.json.


We try to enforce some fairly strict linting rules to keep code consistant. The extension will do it in real time for you without needing to run the linter from the command line.


Same as ESLint but for CSS.


Easy auto-formatting on save.

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