

Simple Order Api

Simple Order API is a simple rest API created with the excellent NestJs Framework. This API server has only one functional endpoint [post] /api/order which, receives the order's JSON object and saves it in a database.

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the followings:

  • Development of an extensible backend service with TypeScript and NestJs framework.
  • Using TypeORM to design data models and insert / query data.
  • Application of the SOLID principles:
    • Single Responsibility
    • Open/Closed Principle
    • Liskov Substitution
    • Interface Segregation
    • Dependency Inversion
  • Automatic software testing with jest and achieving almost 100% code coverage:
    • Unit Tests
    • End-to-End Tests
  • Containerization with Docker and docker-compose
  • Using CI/CD tools:
    • Travis CI to automatically run tests, build docker images and push to docker hub.
    • Coveralls to store test coverage reports.
  • Usage of Swagger to document the API specifications

Project Structure

  • src/ contains all typescript source files
    • dto/ contains data type definitions for api interfaces
    • models/ contains data models and entities
    • services/ contains services required for creating and validating Orders and Products
    • app.module.ts file is the main Nest module and contains the dependency injection configurations
    • order.controller.ts file is the controller class to handler api/order endpoint
    • *.spec.ts files are the unit tests files (for example order.controller.spec.ts)
  • test/ directory contains e2e tests

Extensibility vs Simplicity

According to the KISS Principle (Keep It Stupid Simple), the complexity of this project seems too high for now. But there is a consideration for support new product and order types in the future with minimum changes:

  1. Define new Product and Order types in the dto/ and models/ directories.
  2. Implement their associated handlers in the services/ folder.
  3. Register new handlers in the app.module.ts file.

Online Resources


  • node.js
  • yarn
  • postgres databases:
    • simple_order for development
    • simple_order_test for e2e tests


$ yarn install

Running the app

# development
$ yarn start

# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev

# production build 
$ yarn build

# production mode
$ yarn start:prod


# run all tests and calculate the coverage
$ yarn test

# unit tests only
$ yarn test:unit

# e2e tests only
$ yarn test:e2e


$ docker-compose up 

Stay in touch

Extracted from project README
Build Status Coverage Status
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