
State management library for SolidJS

MIT License



State management library for SolidJS


npm i solid-pebble
yarn add solid-pebble
pnpm add solid-pebble


Global state management in SolidJS is an already solved problem, however, even though it is handy, it introduces another problem: when working with SSR, global state tend to persist its current state as long as the runtime persist, which is bad for SSR because a lifetime of a global state should be bound to the app's instance. This is referred to as "cross-request state pollution" as two concurrent SSR requests may inadvertently share the same state.

solid-pebble allows you to declare global states that behave like a local state. These states are tied to their app/boundary instance so it keeps the state from getting shared across boundaries.



Before using solid-pebble, one must mount the PebbleBoundary to their app, ideally, at the root.

import { PebbleBoundary } from 'solid-pebble';

  <App />

PebbleBoundary will manage the lifecycles and instances of the pebbles.


A pebble is the synonym of createSignal for solid-pebble: a fundamental "global" state. It shares almost the same syntax:

import { createPebble } from 'solid-pebble';

const countPebble = createPebble(0);

but unlike signals, pebbles are lazily-evaluated, so you won't get the accessor nor the setter of a pebble without the use of usePebble.

import { usePebble } from 'solid-pebble';

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = usePebble(countPebble);
  function increment() {
    setCount((c) => c + 1);

  return (
      <h1>Count: {count()}</h1>
      <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

Since pebble instances are managed by PebbleBoundary, unmounting the component that uses usePebble won't reset the state of the given pebble, and the state of the given pebble is also shared by similar components, which means that if one component updates a given pebble, the other components that uses it will also receive the same update.

and by lazily-evaluated, you can also use lazy initial values

const lazyPebble = createPebble(() => initializePebbleValue());

Computed pebbles

Pebbles themselves are great, just like signals, but how do we make computed pebbles? We can use createComputedPebble which is also similar to createMemo with some significant difference.

import { createComputedPebble } from 'solid-pebble';

const doubleCountPebble = createComputedPebble(
  (context) => context.get(countPebble) * 2,

createComputedPebble receives a context object that helps us read values from other pebbles and computed pebbles, this also tracks the pebbles for value updates.

Like createPebble, we use usePebble to get the accessor from createComputedPebble

import { usePebble } from 'solid-pebble';

function DoubleCounter() {
  const doubleCount = usePebble(doubleCountPebble);

  return (
    <h1>Double Count: {doubleCount()}</h1>

Just like createMemo, you can pass an initial value and/or receive the previously computed value

const upwardsCount = createComputedPebble((context, previous) => {
  const current = context.get(countPebble);
  if (previous < current) {
    return current;
  return previous;
}, {
  initialValue: 10, // can also be lazy i.e. () => Math.random() * 100

Proxy pebbles

Proxy pebbles are pebbles that are stateless pebbles that you can use to read from and write to pebbles.

Since proxy pebbles are stateless, it doesn't have or need an initial value, it cannot track its previous value nor it doesn't have to receive a value for its setter.

Here's an example that emulates a reducer

import { createProxyPebble } from 'solid-pebble';

const countPebble = createPebble(0);

const reduce = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'INCREMENT':
      return state + 1;
    case 'DECREMENT':
      return state - 1;
      return state;

const reducerPebble = createProxyPebble({
  get(context) {
    return context.get(countPebble);
  set(context, action) {
    context.set(countPebble, reduce(context.get(countPebble), action));

/// ...

const [count, dispatch] = usePebble(reducerPebble);

dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' });

Custom pebbles

Custom pebbles are pebbles where you get to control when it should track and trigger updates. It's like a combination of a normal pebble and a proxy pebble.

import { createCustomPebble } from 'solid-pebble';

const idlePebble = createCustomPebble((context) => {
  let value;
  let schedule;

  return {
    get(track) {
      return value;
    set(trigger, action) {
      if (schedule) {
      schedule = requestIdleCallback(() => {
        value = action;



MIT © lxsmnsyc