
A simple web app that lets you search a coordinate on a GeoJSON

WTFPL License



A simple webapp that lets you search a coordinate on a GeoJSON layered on top of a Map view.

πŸ“£ Note that this project was purpose-built for a coding challenge (see problem statement).

πŸš€ Quick-Start

docker pull gpdocksthings/solonglatlng
docker run --init gpdocksthings/solonglatlng

πŸ› οΈ Setup

Before you run this app, make sure you have Node.js installed. yarn is recommended, but can be used interchangeably with npm. If you'd prefer running everything inside a Docker container, see the Docker setup section.

git clone
cd solonglatlng
yarn install

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’» Usage

yarn run dev

You can then access the app at http://localhost:3000

This URL should return a valid search with the bundled GeoJSON β€” http://localhost:3000/?lat=80.1256269&lng=12.9262308

🐳 Docker Setup

docker build -t solonglatlng .
docker run -p 3000:3000 -ti solonglatlng

🧩 Design

The app is built with Next.js, TypeScript, react-leaflet and stream-json.

Next.js is used to build the app on top of React.js and Next.js's built-in SSR-powered API.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Map Operations

The Map operations are kept intentionally simple.

  1. The original GeoJSON is scanned linearly, so searches are O(n) complexity. For very large datasets, it is recommended to either run the queries on top of a GIS-capable database like PostgreSQL or build a custom index on top of R trees or k-d trees.

  2. Instead of writing our own logic to find if a given polygon contains a point, I've used the D3 library's geoContains() method.

#2 now improves search performance dramatically!

🎨 UI

The UI is built on top of the wonderful Tailwind CSS library.

  1. Tailwind CSS is a radical rethinking of how we write CSS.

    Instead of using fullblown UI libraries like Bootstrap or Material UI, Tailwind gives you only the building blocks ("utility classes") to build your own UI components, without having to fight overriding opinionated styles. It lets us extract component classes into custom components, giving us a design system from day 1. It also allows for lesser cognitive overload, as scanning the classes gives us a clear picture of what the component does exactly.


The CI/CD setup is straightforward.

  1. On every commit, Github Actions is used to continually build the app, package it into a Docker image and push it to Heroku's container registry.

    <See CI pipeline>

  2. On a git tag or a release, the latest image is deployed to Heroku and available at

    <See CD pipeline>

On a production grade pipeline, we'll be tagging the Docker image with the git tag for traceability.

πŸ•΅ Missing Pieces & Gotchas.

  1. Unit tests.

    Though critical, for a lack of time, I did not write unit tests.

  2. Search API will timeout in 30 seconds.

    Heroku's free public dyno times out after 30 seconds, so any search API request that takes longer than that will timeout (although that shouldn't really happen after #2).

    For testing, you can use these 2 URLs β€”

    1. (matches first Feature in the GeoJSON).
    2. (matches after a few hundred Features).
  3. The original sample GeoJSON was > 200 MB, but Github only allows checking in files under 100 MB. To work around this, I've downsampled the GeoJSON to 2 locations and checked the file in, but when building the Docker image, I'm downloading the original GeoJSON from a copy on my Dropbox.