
If GraphQL, JSON-RPC and React server actions had a baby


What is spiceflow?

Spiceflow is the fastest way to write and expose an RPC API. In Spiceflow any files with the directive 'use spiceflow' will be processed as an API route, each function defined in the file will be exposed as an JSON-RPC method.

After defining your functions you can call spiceflow serve to start a server exposing your API, you can also espose the API using the Next.js or your own server.

When calling spiceflow build spiceflow will generate a client side SDK for your API, you can use it to call your API from the browser. This client SDK will be type safe, because the functions are called the same way from the server and the client, so types can be reused (after being bundled with @microsoft/api-extractor).

You can publish this SDK to npm and let your users interact with your API in an easy and type safe way.


npm i spiceflow


# create a new spiceflow project, works best in a monorepo
npx spiceflow init --name my-api
# .
# ├── package.json
# ├── src
# │   ├── index.ts
# │   └── v1
# │       ├── example.ts
# │       └── generator.ts
# └── tsconfig.json

npx spiceflow serve # builds the sdk in the dist folder and starts serving your API

npm run try-sdk # try using the sdk

Writing your API functions

Any functions exported in a file with the 'use spiceflow' directive will be processed as an API route, each function defined in the file will be exposed as an JSON-RPC method.

// src/v1/functions.ts
'use spiceflow';

export async function spiceflowFunction() {
  return { hello: 'world' };

export async function* spiceflowGenerator() {
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    await sleep(300);
    yield { i };

function sleep(ms: number) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

Build and serve the API

spiceflow serve --watch

Call your function from the client, these will use fetch to communicate with the server

import {
} from './my-api/dist/v1/functions';

// will call the server with fetch
const { hello } = await spiceflowFunction();

for await (const { i } of spiceflowGenerator()) {

Serving your API

Spiceflow has 3 ways to serve your API:

Built-in Node.js server

spiceflow serve --port 3333

Next.js pages API handler

Note: You will need to call spiceflow build before using the SDK when using this method

// pages/api/spiceflow/[...slug].tsx
import { nodeJsHandler } from './my-api/server';

export default async function handler(req, res) {
  return await nodeJsHandler({ req, res, basePath: '/api/spiceflow' });

Next.js app API route

// pages/api/spiceflow/[...slug]/route.tsx
import { edgeHandler } from './my-api/server';

export const POST = edgeHandler;

After exposing your server you will need to rebuild your client sdk using that url:

spiceflow build --url http://localhost:3000/api/spiceflow # the Next.js app url

Accessing the request and response objects

This plugin injects the req and res objects in an AsyncLocalStorage context, so you can access them in your server functions:

'use spiceflow';

import { getNodejsContext } from 'spiceflow/context';

export async function serverAction({}) {
  const { req } = getNodejsContext();
  const host = req?.headers.get('host');
  return { host };

Adding error logging and handling

You can export a function named wrapMethod to easily wrap all your server actions with error logging or other wrappers

'use spiceflow';

export function wrapMethod(fn) {
  return async (...args) => {
    try {
      const res = await fn(...args);
      return res;
    } catch (error) {
      throw error;

export async function failingFunction({}) {
  throw new Error('This function fails');


You can create a v1 folder in your project and exports your function from index.ts, when you want to release a breaking version of your API, you can create a new folder and change the imports in index.ts file. This way the sdk users will always use the latest version of your API, while old SDK users will keep the old version.

How it works

Spiceflow build command transpiles the files with the use spiceflow directive so that any exported function will use fetch to send arguments and get the result, the the transformed files are saved in the dist folder.Other files are compiled to the dist directory using tsc.

Spiceflow also bundles the type definitions with @microsoft/api-extractor so the generated dist files don't rely on external local packages and can be safely published to npm.