
Spotify-f2p synchronizes all songs from your library into a separate playlist


Spotify f2p 🎶

Spotify-f2p is a Node AWS Lambda triggered by an API Gateway that syncs all tracks from your private library into a public or private playlist. The code is build and deployed using the AWS sam cli.

Usage 🛠

You can register for the Service here. After authorizing you can pick the playlist that is used for the sync. Then you will be redirected to the sync page. (There is a link that you can safe for later usage)

Development 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Make sure you have direnv installed.

  1. Create a .envrc file based on the example and configure it with your credentials
  2. Run the start script
npm start

Build 🏗

npm run build

Deployment 🚀

Deploy the application to AWS either from your local machine or by using the github action. After that enter the Environment variables in the AWS lambda UI.

npm run deploy
