
Boilerplate project for Web/API Test Automation created live on Twitch based on Playwright - TypeScript - Allure Report - Lighthouse


Web Test Automation - Playwright

Boilerplate project created live on based on Playwright, TypeScript, Allure Report

You can access my YouTube channel for more information about this and other automated testing frameworks.


Esta documentación está disponible también en Castellano.

General requirements

Download and install

  • Latest version of Node.js
  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
    • Make sure you have the environment variable JAVA_HOME set to the path of the respective JDK. (Required for Allure report generation).

Installation of the testing framework

Clone the repository:

git clone

Install dependencies.

npm install

To run the tests go to the root of the project and run (headless mode)

npm run test

To run the tests go to the root of the project and run (headed mode)

npm run test-head

To run the tests only on Firefox

npm run firefox

To run the tests only on Chromium

npm run chromium

To run the tests only on Webkit

npm run webkit

To run the tests with UI + API Examples

npm run api-ui

To run the tests with UI + API + Mockaroo Examples

npm run data-mgmt


To run your own Mockaroo examples you should create a free account, create a new schema and create a new .env file with your API_KEY

Example .env:


For running Accessibility Testing examples with Lighthouse

npm run a11y


In the thresholds section of the a11y.lighthouse.spec.ts file, you can configure the acceptance level of the accessibility, performance, SEO, best-practices, pwa respectively.

If our threshold is 100 for accessibility, our test must have 100% acceptance to be considered successful.

thresholds: {
    performance: 50,
    accessibility: 100,
    'best-practices': 50,
    seo: 50,
    pwa: 0,

To open Playwright's unified Html report of test results

npm run play-report

To create and open the Allure unified report of test results

npm run open-report


After each upgrade of Playwright, the project must be restarted locally with the command:

npm run reinstall

To download the latest versions of the Browsers.