
HTML rendering with `lit-html` for Stimulus Controllers.

OTHER License


Stimulus Lit

Stimulus Lit provides the ability to reactively render HTML templates using Lit and Stimulus.

Differences between stimulus-render

  1. No transpiler required: Stimulus Lit uses the native browser API to render HTML templates (through
  2. Reactive rendering we are all familiar with: Did you miss reactive rendering like you used to with React? This
    library has you covered. Use Stimulus values like React's state and you can reactively render anything.
  3. Faster and smaller than React: Did you know
    virtual DOM libraries like React are actually slower?
    Bonus point for being smaller (5kb minified and gzipped) than React (40+kb).

Getting Started


npm install stimulus-lit lit-html


yarn add stimulus-lit lit-html

Let's say there is an HTMl with the hello controller declaration:

<div data-controller="hello">
  <!-- This is where the `render` method will put HTML. -->

And in the stimulus controller, import userRender and html from the stimulus-lit package:

// app/javascript/controllers/hello_controller.js
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { useRender, html } from 'stimulus-lit'

export default class extends Controller {
  connect () {

  render () {
    return html`<span>Hello world!</span>`

Then this will render the following HTML:

<div data-controller="hello">
  <span>Hello world!</span>

Rendering with Values

Let's build something more interesting with reactive rendering. We'll build a counter that increments and decrements a number using Values. Given that we have a controlelr with a counter value.

When there is an HTMl with the counter controller declaration:

<div data-controller="counter" data-counter-counter-value="0">

And in the stimulus controller, the button has a @click action that increments the value of the counter:

// app/javascript/controllers/counter_controller.js
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { useRender, html } from 'stimulus-lit'

export default class extends Controller {
  static values = { counter: 0 }

  connect () {

  increment () {
    this.counterValue += 1

  render () {
    return html`
     <button @click=${this.increment}>
       Count: ${this.counterValue}

Then this controller will render the HTML below and the counter will increment when the button is clicked:

<div data-controller="counter" data-counter-counter-value="0">
   Count: 0

Specifying Where to Render


By default, stimulus-lit renders the template at the end of the controller host. You could change this by providing a renderBefore option:

<div data-controller="counter">
  <div data-counter-target="container">
     <!-- This is the element specified as `renderBefore` -->
// app/javascript/controllers/counter_controller.js
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { useRender, html } from 'stimulus-lit'

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = ["container"]

  connect () {
    useRender(this, { renderBefore: this.containerTarget })

  render () {
    return html`<span>Hello world!</span>`

Which will render:

<div data-controller="counter">
    Hello world!

  <div data-counter-target="container">
     <!-- This is the element specified as `renderBefore` -->

The second argument of useRender is an RenderOptions object. Which means you can also use other options than renderBefore, such as creationScope,host and isConnected.


You can also change the container element where the HTML will be rendered to, with the container option:

<div data-controller="counter">
  <!-- other elements... -->

  <div data-counter-target="container">
     <!-- This is the element specified as `container` -->
// app/javascript/controllers/counter_controller.js
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { useRender, html } from 'stimulus-lit'

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = ["container"]

  connect () {
    useRender(this, { container: this.containerTarget })  // Notice the `container` option here.

  render () {
    return html`<span>Hello world!</span>`

Which will render:

<div data-controller="counter">
  <!-- other elements... -->

  <div data-counter-target="container">
      Hello world!


Copyright (c) 2022 Yuki Nishijima. See MIT-LICENSE for further details.

This project started as a fork of stimulus-render, a proof-of-concept library for providing HTML rendering for Stimulus controllers, developed by Marco Roth. The original project is licensed under the MIT License.