
Grid, Treeview, and forms automation using view models with decorators for Angular (2+) and Bootstrap (4+).

ISC License


SVOGV Grid and Forms Library

Target Audience

This library is for Angular Version 2 or newer. The current release is for Angular 11 and matches the current Angular version usually.

The design / UI stuff is made using Bootstrap 4 (@svgov/bootstrap) or Material (@svogv/material).

It's for developers who create standard forms and want to automate the development process.

Demo and project are made using Angular CLI. Current version is made using @angular/cli.


This library is for making forms and grids. Easy and fast. It has these advantages:

  • All form parts are being created dynamically by using viewmodels with decorators. These control the UI and validation.
  • All styles are based on the specified environment, can be used together with themes and custom parts can be changed.
  • The main part i a very advanced data table component (aka Grid)
    • The grid component makes data tables and is very easy to use.
    • A tree view is another component that fits in. It can be used stand alone or to organize the grid.
    • Dynamic editors and an autoform components create a whole form without code. This provides the editing capability of the data table.

What is it?

The approach was simply to improve the creation of forms as simple as ever in Angular. It's an extension to Angular that comes as a set of classes (injectable services) and components.

It's available as source code or as ready to use umd-bundle. The bundle is plane JavaScript. The sources are available via npm and from github.

It's pretty small, too. It's 300 KB as a bundle and roughly 39 KB minified, close to 10 KB zipped.

Angular Data Annotations

The idea of data annotations is somehow heavily inspired by the namespace System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations of .NET Core. There is absolutely no dependency at all, though. You can find more here.

The basic idea is that we usually use view models anyway. So, why not using them to provide all information necessary to create a form that way?

How does it work?

Let's assume you have a viewmodel like this:

export class UserViewModel {

  id: Number = 0;

  @Display('E-Mail', 'E-Mail address')
  email: string = '';

  @Display('Phone Number', 'The user\'s phone')
  phoneNumber: string = '';

  @Display('User Name', 'The full name')
  userName: string = '';


As you see there are several decorators. SVOGV has decorators for display hints, such as @Display. And it has decorators to manage the validation, such as @MaxLength().

The usage is simple; just import like this (selection, there are more options):

import {
} from 'svogv';

Or alternatively prefix your import:

import * as FormHints from 'svogv';

export class UserViewModel {

  eMail: string = '';


Using in Forms

The form needs to be aware of the decorators. Hence, there is a service that creates an advanced FormGroup instance. It's called FormValidatorService. Internally it's using Angular's ReactiveFormsModule, so this is a dependency.

In a component's code it looks like this:

import { FormValidatorService } from '@svogv/core';

export class EditUserComponent implements OnInit {

  myForm: FormGroup;

  constructor(private fv: FormValidatorService) {

  ngOnInit() {
    // get validators and error messages from viewmodel type
    this.myForm =;

In this example UserViewModel is the decorated view model. It's just the type that the service requires, not an actual instance. However, the service will create an instance, and hence the model must be a class, not an interface. Also, all properties must be set, usually by setting defaults, because internally the properties are read by a for of loop.

Now the form knows all about the view model. Let's build a form on top on this:

<form (ngSubmit)="saveUser()" [formGroup]="myForm" role="form" class="row">
    <legend>Edit current user</legend>
      <ac-editor [formGroup]="myForm" [name]="'userName'" ></ac-editor>
      <ac-editor [formGroup]="myForm" [name]="'email'" ></ac-editor>
      <ac-editor [formGroup]="myForm" [name]="'phoneNumber'" ></ac-editor>
      <button type="submit">Save</button>

The important part is the component <ac-editor>. This component checks the property type, the decorators, and the form's settings and creates a complete form element in Bootstrap 4 style (the template is, of course, customizable). The connection between the service's outcome -- the FormGroup -- and the components is being made through setting the form group's instance (here myForm) using the input property formGroup.

And that's it. The form is pretty, has fully working validation, and is easy to access from your component. And yes, there is no additional code necessary to get it running.

Auto Forms

Even simpler, you can create a complete form with just one tag. Just go like this:

<form (ngSubmit)="saveUser()" [formGroup]="myForm" role="form" class="row" autoform>
    <legend>Edit current user</legend>
    <ac-autoform [formGroup]="myForm"></ac-autoform>
    <div class="row">
      <button class="btn btn-sm btn-success" type="submit" [disabled]="!myForm.valid">
        <i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save

The only component here is <ac-autoform> that connects to the form using the attribute formGroup. Use binding syntax here as this is an object. The form is build upon Bootstrap 4 again and can be modified by several helper decorators.

Validation Decorators

Decorator Usage
@StringLength Set the strings minimum (optional) and maximum length. It's a summary of @MinLength and @MaxLength.
@MaxLength The maximum length of a text input.
@MinLength The minimum length of a text input.
@Pattern A regular expression that is used to test the text or number input.
@Range A range (from-to) for either numerical values or dates.
@Required Makes the field mandatory.
@EMail Checks input against a (very good) regular expression to test for valid e-mail pattern.
@Compare Compares with another field, usually for password comparisons.

UI Decorators

Decorator Usage ...Grid ...Editor ...Auto Form ...Tree**
@Display Determine the label's name and a tooltip ( optionally), You can also provide the fields' order. Yes, Header row Yes, label text Yes, label text No
@DisplayGroup Groups components in <fieldset> elements. Can be ordered inside the form. No No Yes, fieldset No
@Hidden Exclude as field from an autoform. Yes, excludes column Yes, makes hidden field Yes Yes
@Sortable Makes a column sortable. Default is true. Yes No No No
@Placeholder A watermark that appears in empty form fields No Yes Yes No
@TemplateHint Forces a particular render type. Usually you get fields a shown in the table below. With a hint you can force other types. Yes, replaces cell content with template No No Planned
@ReadOnly Renders the field readonly, if the shown element can support this. For all other fields this is being ignored. No Yes Yes Yes
@FormatPipe Executes the pipe before rendering the data. Usually used in the grid component. Yes, applies pipe to cell's content No No No
@UiHint Additional custom styles*. Yes Yes Yes Yes

* This is available from 0.7.4 onwards. Style apply to columns' header and cells as well as to form elements in editor. The object required is a style object in the form { 'style': 'rule' }. ** This is available from 0.7.5 onwards.

The editor component is able to determine the appearance dependent on the type:

Data Type Template Hint Field Type Options for @TemplateHint Remark
string text (no params) type="text" Text, TextArea TextArea accepts additional parameters for row and col
boolean bool (no params) type="checkbox" Checkbox, Toggle, Radio Default is checkbox
number num (no params) type="number" Range Default is numeric field, Range is a slider
Date date (val,cal)* type="date" Calendar Calender is provided by browser feature
enum enum (no params) <select>-Box - Renders an Enum as Dropdown list

* With cal it shows a calendar, with val just the value. Use a pipe and @FormatPipe(DatePipe) for formatting. Calendar appears in edit mode only.

Server Support through JSON

As of version 0.3.5 it's possible to use a specially designed JSON object to configure the forms. It's an exact pendant to the decorators. The difference is that you don't need to write any viewmodels in TypeScript. Just deliver an appropriate formatted document from your API and you're set. Here is the definition for the JSON structure:

export interface FormValidatorModel {
  [field: string]:
      displayType |
      displayGroupType |
      formatType |
      hiddenType |
      placeHolderType |
      compareType |
      maxlengthType |
      minlengthType |
      patternType |
      stringLengthType |
      emailType |

The types have the same description as the decorators.

The Components

The goal is, finally, making the ultimate grid. All form parts are part of the grid experience.

The components complement the editor by adding more parts typically used in forms apps. There are many such components available, but sometimes there are pieces that we need quite often but nothing is really handy. So I created a small set of such components:

  • DataGrid: A classic data grid. It provides a model to handle:
    • paging
    • filtering
    • sorting
    • dynamic columns
  • TreeView: An advanced tree view with icon support and many options such as selections and checkboxes. Uses EventEmitter to fire several tree node events.
  • Editor: For inline editing
  • AutoForm: For editing complex forms

The grid is controlled by decorators (see table above), so the view model actually creates the grid's appearance.

Where to get?

It's available from npm by using this command:

npm install @svogv/bootstrap @svogv/core --save

You get these parts:

  • FormValidatorService -- am injectable class to build reactive forms
  • FormValidatorFromJsonService -- am injectable class to build reactive forms from server data
  • Editor -- the universal editor component for one field
  • AutoForm -- the universal editor component for complete multi field forms
  • DataGrid -- an advanced grid component, model driven
  • TreeView -- a tree with some nice features
  • Decorators -- a set of decorators to manage the behavior and appearance of grid, tree and forms

More to read

For more information read the Getting started guide.

See demo and API docs running on SVOGV.

Demo App

There is a demo app where you can see the components in action.

See demo and API docs running on SVOGV.

Quick Start

To have a running sample in seconds do the following:

  1. Clone the repository from Github
  2. Assure you have node running and npm and Typescript (tsc) is in the path
  3. Execute this command: npm install
  4. Execute this command: npm run build

If everything goes fine start the demo:

npm start

A browser window shall open automatically (if not, open http://locahost:4200) and shows a dashboard from where you can navigate the various components.

Select these options in the left hand menu:

  • Forms Demo: All about the decorators
  • Widgets > Overview: The UI widgets demo

The demo app is independent and has it's own package.json and node_modules folder and hence needs it's own setup. The first command (setup) takes care of this all.


It's ISC licensed and it's free. I deeply believe in Open Source and will support the ecosystem by open sourcing all parts of the project. For commercial users such as enterprises I have support options.

About the Author

The SVOGV Widget Library was written by Joerg Krause,, Berlin / Germany. He has many years of experience with Web-Frameworks. He were in the business in the early JavaScript days, know every single bit in jQuery and learnt a lot about Knockout, Angular, and React. But time goes on. So he moved almost all projects to either AngularJS or Angular 2+. He thinks that knowing one Framework really well is more for our customers than knowing a lot just good. So he decided to do more and start contributing to the Angular ecosystem by creating awesome libraries and components.

Can one contribute?

Yes, drop me an email with some "about me" stuff. Even simple feedback is appreciated.

Looking for an Angular Dev?

Yes, I'm available for all kind of remote jobs. If you need a really good full-stack dev, than drop me an email ([email protected]) or write through my homepage's contact form.

I write sophisticated stuff quickly and in very high quality in these technologies:

  • Frontend: Angular, React
  • Backend: Node, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core
  • Cloud: Azure CosmosDb, Azure Functions, Azure Event Hub, Azure IoT, AWS S3, AWS Lambda
  • Other: Alexa Skills