
Synchronous keyboard and mouse input for web applications. Useful for games and canvas / webgl synchronous content in web applications.

MIT License

  • Synchronous keyboard, mouse and gamepad input for fixed step applications.
  • Multi-browser support, compatible with mobile devices and and touchscreen events.
  • Currently supports input from: Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepad, Touchscreen
  • Detailed API docs available on the docs folder of the project.
  • Demo of the library running from the examples directory.
  • TSDoc documentation available.

Sync Events

  • Browser events fire at a different rate than your application logic/render code.
  • This library allow to access input state for variable frame rate scenarios.
  • Skip the need to process out of sync browser callbacks.

Getting Started

  • Get from NPM using npm install syncinput --save-prod
  • Here is a small code example showing the basic functionality of the library.
import {Keyboard, Keys, Mouse, MouseButton, Touch, Gamepad, GamepadButton} from 'syncinput';

mouse = new Mouse();
keyboard = new Keyboard();
touch = new Touch();
gamepad = new Gamepad();


//Inside of the logic/rendering loop

console.log("Position X:" mouse.position.x + " Y:" + mouse.position.y);
console.log("Delta X:" + " Y:" +;
console.log("Scroll wheel:" mouse.wheel);

if (touch.touchJustPressed(0)) 
	console.log("First touch point just pressed.");
if (touch.touchJustReleased(1)) 
	console.log("Second touch point just released.");

	console.log("Mouse left is pressed");

	console.log("Mouse left is pressed");

if(keyboard.keyPressed(Keys.W) || gamepad.buttonPressed(GamepadButton.UP))
	console.log("W is pressed or Gamepad UP is pressed");

	console.log("W was just pressed");
	console.log("W was just released");


  • position {x, y} -Actual mouse position

  • delta {x, y} - Mouse delta since last time update() was called

  • wheel - Mouse wheel value

  • buttonPressed(button) - Check if mouse button is pressed (touchscreen tap same as left click)

  • buttonJustPressed(button) - Check if mouse button was just pressed

  • buttonJustReleased(button) - Check if mouse button was just released

  • setCanvas(canvas) - Attach canvas to mouse object for position coordinated to be calculated relatively to the canvas.

  • insideCanvas() - Check if mouse is inside attached canvas

  • setLock(value) - Set mouse lock on/off.


  • keyPressed(button) - Check if key is currently pressed
  • keyJustPressed(button) - Check if key was just pressed
  • keyJustReleased(button) - Check if key was just released
  • reset() - Reset all keys


  • points[] - List of touch points and their respective status.
  • pan(points) - Multi-touch pan, retuns the average position and movement delta.
  • pinchZoom() - Pinch to zoom (of the first two touch points) delta.
  • touchPressed(point) - Check if touch point is pressed
  • touchJustPressed(point) - Check if touch point was just pressed
  • touchJustReleased(point) - Check if touch point was just released


Gamepad input is only available in secure context using HTTPS.

  • buttonPressed(button) - Check if gamepad button is pressed
  • buttonJustPressed(button) - Check if gamepad button was just pressed
  • buttonJustReleased(button) - Check if gamepad button was just released
  • getAxis(index) - Get axial input value from its index from -1 to 1.
  • getAnalogueButton(index) - Get analog button from 0 to 1.
  • getGamepads() - Get list of available gamepads.
  • setGamepad(gamepad) - Set wich gamepad to use.