
Bot for "Times are Changing" Discord guild.

MIT License



This is a discord bot for Times are Changing UE4 game Discord server. It is able to play music from youtube in your voice channel, search random pony images for you and greet newcommers with custom welcomming image generated specially for them.

Preliminary installations

To get started use these commands (project-dir is the name of the directory to copy this template to):

git clone https://github.com/Veetaha/tac-discord-bot.git project-dir
cd project-dir
npm install
npm run dev


Command Description
start Run discord bot in production mode
dev Run discord bot in development mode (supports debugger attachment)
test Run all your unit tests.
update-deps Update all your dependencies to the latest version.

File structure

  • .travis.yml - Travis CI configuration file.
  • .gitignore - Git configuration file that defines ignored entries.
  • package.json - Global package manager configuration file.
  • tslint.json - Global TypeScript linter configuration file.
  • LICENCE - MIT open source licence.
  • README.md - File that documents this project.
  • /.vscode - A directory with vscode debug configurations.
  • /common - A directory that contains code, that may be used on both ends.
    • /ambient-declarations - A directory that contains ambient modules declaration files.
      This declarations are provided for vanilla JavaScript packages.
  • /backend - A directory where resides all your NodeJS code.
    • tsconfig.json - TypeScript compiler configuration file. It is set up to provide the most severe type checks level by default.

    • polyfills.ts - File that imports all your polyfills. Be sure to import it at the first line of your app.

    • app.ts - NodeJS app entry point.

    • /modules - A directory that contains your app modules (classes, utils functions etc.). /discord - A directory that contains low level discord command handling logic.

    • /tests - A directory that contains all your unit tests.

      • run-all.ts - A script that runs all the tests that reside in this folder.
  • /frontend - Add your frontend here... (temporarily absent)
