

MIT License


English | 中文

Brief Introduction

The out of the box background template developed based on mainstream technologies such as Vue3Vite3Element Plus, built-in I18n translation, routing permission control and other solutions can meet the needs of most enterprise management systems!

Preview address

Account: admin Password: admin123


Electron Edition

Tauri Edition


  • The latest technology stack: developed using front-end cutting-edge technologies such as Vue3/Vite3

  • Theme: configurable theme

  • Internationalization: built-in perfect internationalization scheme

  • Common components: complete built-in package of common components

  • PWA: built-in PWA


  • Node And Git - Project development environment
  • Vite - Familiar with Vite features
  • Vue3 - familiar with Vue basic syntax
  • Es6+ - familiar with the basic syntax of Es6
  • Vue-Router-Next - Familiar with the basic use of Vue Router
  • Element-Plus - Ui Basic Usage

Installation and use

1. Get project code (Https or SSH)

git clone https://github.com/jsxiaosi/vue-xs-admin.git

git clone [email protected]:jsxiaosi/vue-xs-admin.git

Alternatively, you can use the xs-clito quickly create one

npx @jsxiaosi/xs-cli create [project-name]

2.Installation Dependencies

cd vue-xs-admin


pnpm i

npm install

npm install


npm run dev


npm run build

Project address

How to contribute

Pull Request:

  1. Fork Code!
  2. Create your own branch: git checkout -b feature/xxxx
  3. Submit your changes: git commit -m 'feature: add xxxxx'
  4. Push your branch: git push origin feature/xxxx
  5. Submit: pull request

Git Contribution submission specification

  • Refer to Vue specification

    • feat New Features
    • fix Repair defects
    • docs Document change
    • style Code format
    • refactor Code refactoring
    • perf Performance optimization
    • test Add neglected tests or changes to existing tests
    • build Build processes, external dependency changes (such as upgrading npm packages, modifying packaging configurations, etc.)
    • ci Modify CI configuration and scripts
    • revert Roll back the commit
    • chore Changes to the build process or tools and libraries (do not affect source files)
    • wip Under development
    • types Type definition file modification

Browser Support

Chrome 80+ is recommended for local development

Supports modern browsers, not Internet Explorer

IE Edge Firefox Chrome Safari
not support last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions

Related warehouses used in the project

Vite related

Specifications related to

Project directory Structure

├── build                         #Global public configuration directory
├── public                        #Public static file directory
├── src                           #Project Code Directory
│   ├── App.vue                   #The vue module
│   ├── assets                    #Project static file directory
│   ├── components                #Common components
│   ├── layouts                   #Layout of the directory
│   ├── locales                   #Internationalization Configuration
│   ├── main.js                   #Entrance to the file
│   ├── router                    #Router
│   ├── store                     #Pinia
│   ├── styles                    #Common style
│   ├── utils                     #Public methods
│   └── views                     #Directory for storing vue pages
├── README.md
├── .editorconfig                 #The specification compiler encodes style files
├── .env.development              #Development environment variables
├── .env.production               #Production environment variables
├── .env.staging                  #Test environment variables
├── .eslintrc.js                  #EsLint configuration files
├── .eslintrcignore               #EsLint Ignoring configuration files
├── stylelint.config.js           #StyleLint configuration files
├── .stylelintignore              #StyleLint Ignoring configuration files
├── commitlint.config.js          #CommitLint configuration files
├── prettier.config.js            #Prettier configuration files
├── .prettierignore               #Prettier Ignoring configuration files
├── index.html                    #The root template
├── jsconfig.json
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── vite.config.js                #vite configuration files

Thanks to the following author projects for help




MIT © 2022

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