
A poster template edit and generation design document and demo.

MIT License



A poster template edit and generation design document and demo.

design document

Region Region

interface Template extends Size {
  contents: TemplateContent[]

type TemplateContent = TemplateTextContent | TemplateImageContent

interface TemplateTextContent extends Region {
  kind: 'text'
  text: string
  fontFamily: string
  fontSize: number
  color: string

interface TemplateImageContent extends Region {
  kind: 'image'
  url: string

interface Position {
  x: number
  y: number

interface Size {
  width: number
  height: number

interface Region extends Position, Size { }

https://github.com/plantain-00/types-as-schema typescript json schema

web html html

interface GenerationField {
  if?: string
  else?: boolean
  repeat?: string
  "if": "commodity.prices.length == 1"

else true if false

    "if": "commodity.prices.length == 1"
    "else": true,
    "if": "commodity.prices.length == 2"
    "else": true
commodity in commodities
(commodity, index) in commodities


  "kind": "text",
  "text": "demo text",
  "textExpression": "commodity.name"

optional + "Expression"

interface TemplateImageContent extends Region, RegionExpression {
  kind: 'image'
  url: string
  urlExpression?: string

web reactjs

interface Template extends Region, SizeExpression {
  id: string
  contents: TemplateContent[]
  parameters?: string[]


{ text: 'test text' }

interface TemplateReferenceContent extends Position, PositionExpression, GenerationField {
  kind: 'reference'
  id: string
  props?: string

TemplateReferenceContent Size Size Size


interface TemplateSnapshotContent extends Position, PositionExpression {
  kind: 'snapshot'
  snapshot: Template


x y low-level css flex flex Template

interface FlexField extends MarginField {
  display?: 'flex'
  flexDirection?: 'row' | 'column'
  justifyContent?: 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'between'
  alignItems?: 'start' | 'end' | 'center'

interface MarginField {
  marginLeft?: number
  marginRight?: number
  marginTop?: number
  marginBottom?: number

Template FlexField x y

mobx vuejs computed


computed UI computed

canvas UI

UI UI computed

  1. hover
  2. mask
  3. UI

19 26.8ms 18.2 ms


interface Position {
  x: number
  y: number
  z?: integer

canvas z

UI css z-index

z 0

x y z

websocket json patch

2 1 3


interface StyleGuide {
  name: string
  templates: Template[]
  variables?: StyleGuideVariable[]

interface StyleGuideVariable {
  name: string
  displayName?: string
  value: unknown

interface StyleGuide {
  name: string
  templates: Template[]
  variables?: StyleGuideVariable[]
  collections?: StyleGuideCollection[]

type StyleGuideCollection = StyleGuideColor

interface StyleGuideColor {
  kind: 'color'
  color: string


variable.textColor !== variable.backgroundColor

interface StyleGuide {
  name: string
  templates: Template[]
  variables?: StyleGuideVariable[]
  collections?: StyleGuideCollection[]
  constrains?: string[]

style guide


  • intellisense?