
Web site for string band Ten Cent Teacakes


Ten Cent Teacakes

Web site for the Ten Cent Teacakes Band

Set up Developer Environment

Git Pre-commit

To save time for CI and not bother to commit if lint / ts checks fail.

cp git-pre-commit .git/hooks/

Prisma and SQL db

  1. Create a SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL etc) db for the project
  2. mv .env_template .env
  3. Add the URL for your db to .env
  4. Run npm run prisma:init to add the tables from the prisma schema to your db

Notes on Prisma and Supabase

Reference: https://supabase.com/docs/guides/integrations/prisma

  • migration

    • DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:@db..supabase.co:5432/postgres"
  • queries

    • DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:@db..supabase.co:6543/postgres?pgbouncer=true"


  1. mv .env.local_template .env.local
  2. Populate variables according to comments


  1. npx @sentry/wizard -i nextjs (and follow instructions)
  2. Add SENTRY_DSN value to .env.local


Running Tests Locally

UI tests (Jest, no database)

npm run test:ui

API tests (Jest, with test database)

npm run test:db:migrate
npm run test:api

E2E tests (Cypress, with test database)

npm run test:db:migrate
npm run cypress:run

Deployment and CI


For Vercel / Cypress, the following variables are needed as GitHub secrets (repo -> settings -> secrets -> actions -> repository secrets):

  1. VERCEL_TOKEN (https://vercel.com/account/tokens)
  2. CYPRESS_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY (For more secure Cypress user. Must match the value in Vercel)
  3. AUTH0_USERNAME (some email that exists in Auth0 instance)
  4. AUTH0_PASSWORD (password for the above email)
  5. AUTH0_DOMAIN (example: xyz.us.auth0.com)
  6. AUTH0_CLIENT_ID (from Auth0 Application settings)
  7. AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET (from Auth0 Application settings)
  8. AUTH0_AUDIENCE (should match the one in tenant -> settings -> API Authorization Settings)
  9. AUTH0_SCOPE (value should probably be "openid profile email")
  10. SUPABASE_URL and SUPABASE_KEY (from .env.local)
  11. REVALIDATION_SECRET (Must match value for Vercel and CircleCI)

Note: Cypress is run as a Github action instead of through CircleCI so that it can depend on branch deploy success, and use the branch deploy url.

main branch restrictions

Since anything pushed / merged to main will be live right away, enact these restrictions

  1. Make a GitHub branch protection rule for main that you can't push directly ("Require a pull request before merging").
  2. Make a GitHub branch protection rule for main that uses CircleCI and Vercel checks as requirement to merge ("Require status checks to pass before merging")
    Reference: https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/defining-the-mergeability-of-pull-requests/managing-a-branch-protection-rule


  1. Create a new project in Vercel and link GitHub repo (https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/git#deploying-a-git-repository)
  2. Run npx vercel link
  3. Follow instructions to specify the linked project.
  4. Add the following keys to the project environment variables (https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/projects/environment-variables)
    • same for all environments
      • SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN (from .sentryclirc)
      • SENTRY_DSN (from .env.local)
      • CYPRESS_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY (Must match value in GitHub)
      • REVALIDATION_SECRET (Must match value in GitHub and CircleCI)
    • diffferent for production vs. preview / development
      • DATABASE_URL (from .env)
      • AUTH0_* (from .env.local)
      • SUPABASE_* (from .env.local)
      • APP_ENV (set to test for preview and development; don't set for production)

Circle CI

  1. Create .circleci/config.yml file
  2. Create a new CircleCI project associated with this repository (https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/project-build/#adding-projects)
  3. Enable GitHub checks (https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/enable-checks/)
  4. Add DATABASE_URL environment variable (https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/env-vars/)
  5. Add DB_BASEURL environment variable (DB url before port; example: DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:<password>@db.<db id>.supabase.co). Needed because of difference between migration endpoint vs. queries endpoint.
  6. Add CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY environment variable, set to 0 (https://docs.cypress.io/guides/getting-started/installing-cypress#Environment-variables)
  7. REVALIDATION_SECRET (Must match value in GitHub and Vercel)

Auth0 for Preview Deploys

For each preview deploy git branch, before pushing to GitHub:

  1. Update https://manage.auth0.com/dashboard/us/ten-cent-teacakes-dev/applications/<client id>/settings -> Application URIs -> Allowed Callback URLs


    https://ten-cent-teacakes-git-<branch name>-bonnie.vercel.app/api/auth/callback

  2. Update https://vercel.com/bonnie/ten-cent-teacakes/settings/environment-variables AUTH0_BASE_URL (for Preview / Development)


    https://ten-cent-teacakes-git-<branch name>-bonnie.vercel.app/