
Lightweight text manager for managing texts from a localized json file

MIT License


Text Resource Manager

A lightweight text manager for managing texts from a localized json file

Table of content

How it works

With Text Resource Manager you can benefit from having all texts in your application localized in one single json file. Easy to maintain, and easy to swap at runtime for multiple language support.

When used with TypeScript, you get suggestions and hints on-the-fly, so finding the correct text will feel smooth and strainless.


The structure of the json file can be however you want it. Flat, deeply nested or somewhere in between. The only constraint is that the json file must contain only values of string and object


A json file containing texts could look like this:

 "buttons": {
   "done": "Done, go to next",
   "exit": "Go back"
 "landingPage": {
   "header": "Text Resource Manager",
   "subHeader": "Sleek little text manager",
   "welcomeMsg": "Hello, $1",
   "menu": {
     "home": "Home",
     "users": "All Users",
     "logout": "Log out",
     "subMenu": {
       "saveAndLogout": "Save and Log Out",
       "logoutAndQuit": "Log Out without saving"
 "copyright": "All rights reserved"

Getting Started


Install Text Resource Manager using npm or yarn


npm install text-resource-manager


yarn add text-resource-manager

Use in project

Import in your project, and pass in a reference to your json file

import TextResourceManager from 'text-resource-manager';
import strings from './strings.json';

const { text } = new TextResourceManager(strings);

/* Get your strings by using dot notation */
const headerText = text.buttons.done; // Done, go to next

Setup linter

To use suggestions and hints, you need to watch the json file for changes

In your package.json, create two new scripts

"scripts": {
   "trm-hint": "node node_modules/text-resource-manager/dist/ -file <json-file-path>",
   "trm-hint:watch": "node node_modules/text-resource-manager/dist/ -file <json-file-path> -watch"

trm-hint performs a single run-through of your json file, and creates a corrosponding TypeScript interface.

trm-hint:watch watches your json file for changes, and creates a new TypeScript interface every time a change is detected.

NB: If you are using VSCode, sometimes you will have to reload your window in order to use the updated interface.

Use with React

You can then use this script in extension with npm start

A full example of the scripts in a React App could look like this


"scripts": {
   "start": "react-scripts start & npm run trm-hint:watch",
   "build": "react-scripts build",
   "test": "react-scripts test",
   "eject": "react-scripts eject",
   "trm-hint": "node node_modules/text-resource-manager/dist/ -file src/strings.json",
   "trm-hint:watch": "node node_modules/text-resource-manager/dist/ -file src/strings.json -watch"



In the case of a bug report, bugfix or a suggestions, please feel very free to open an issue.

Pull request

Pull requests are always welcome, and I'll do my best to do reviews as fast as I can.


This project is licensed under the MIT License

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