
TypeScript shorties for the modern web.

MIT License



A small TypeScript library with various tools, all ESLint valid and featuring everything useful for creating light libraries or web components. If there is anything that is consistently repeating itself, shorty can help you save up to 50% of the code required, with little to no performance cost.

shorty is featured in ColorPicker, KUTE.js, BSN, Navbar.js and other libraries.

  • The purpose of the library is to speed up the development workflow, minimize the size of larger libraries by providing a shorter syntax for most used JavaScript API methods, most used strings or other helpful utilities.
  • Another excellent use for the library is for its selectors in a testing environment where you need to check the instanceof for various objects.
  • While the library comes with a working build in the dist folder, that is mainly for build consistency testing. You can make use of "tree shaking" to import one or anything your code needs.
  • On that note, all shorties are organized in folders inside the src root folder, the structure is key to understanding the purpose of each type of shortie, whether we have boolean for various basic browser detection or browser feature support, attr for all things Element attributes or strings for most common and most used Element.prototype methods.


npm install @thednp/shorty

TypeScript / ES6+ Base usage

// import the tool you need
import { supportTransform } from "@thednp/shorty";

// use the tool in your ES6/ES7 sources
if (supportTransform) {
  // have modern browsers do something about that


  • getAttribute - returns the value of a specified Element attribute;
  • getAttributeNS - returns the value of a specified namespaced Element attribute (eg: namespaced SVG attributes);
  • hasAttribute - check if element has a specified attribute;
  • hasAttributeNS - check if element has a specified namespaced attribute;
  • removeAttribute - removes a specified attribute from an element;
  • removeAttributeNS - removes a specified namespaced attribute from an element;
  • setAttribute - set a new attribute value for a given element;
  • setAttributeNS - set a new namespaced attribute value for a given element;
import { getAttribute, hasAttribute, setAttribute } from "@thednp/shorty";

// check target has certain attribute
if (!hasAttribute(myTarget, "attribute-name")) {
  setAttribute(myTarget, "attribute-name", "new-value");

// get attribute value
const currentAttrValue = getAttribute(myTarget, "attribute-name");


  • documentBody - a shortie for document.body;
  • documentElement - a shortie for document.documentElement;
  • documentHead - a shortie for document.head;


  • isApple - checks and preserves a boolean value for the client browser is either Apple Safari browser or not;
  • isFirefox - checks and preserves a boolean value for the client browser is either Firefox or not;
  • isMobile - checks and preserves a boolean value for the client browser is either a Mobile device or not;
  • support3DTransform - checks and preserves a boolean value for the client browser capability for webKit perspective;
  • supportTouch - checks and preserves a boolean value for the client browser capability for touch events;
  • supportPassive - checks and preserves a boolean value for the client browser capability for passive event option;
  • supportTransform - checks and preserves a boolean value for the client browser capability for webKit transform;
  • supportAnimation - checks and preserves a boolean value for the client browser capability for webKit keyframe animation;
  • supportTransition - checks and preserves a boolean value for the client browser capability for webKit transition;
import { support3DTransform } from "@thednp/shorty";

// filter myAction to supported browsers
if (support3DTransform) {
  // do something with modern browsers


  • addClass - add a class to a target Element;
  • removeClass - remove a class from a target Element;
  • hasClass - checks the existence of a class for a target Element;
import { addClass, removeClass, hasClass } from "@thednp/shorty";

// add a class
addClass(targetElement, "className");

// remove a class
removeClass(targetElement, "className");

// check for a class
if (hasClass(targetElement, "className")) {
  // do something about that


  • on - attach an event listener to a specific target Element;
  • off - detach an event listener from a specific target Element;
  • one - attach an event listener to a specific target Element, and detach when complete;
import { on, off, one, passiveHandler } from "@thednp/shorty";

// attach a passive mousedown eventHandler
on(targetElement, "click", eventHandler, passiveHandler);

// detach a passive mouseup eventHandler
off(targetElement, "mouseup", eventHandler, passiveHandler);

// attach a single instance passive touchstart eventHandler
one(targetElement, "touchstart", eventHandler, passiveHandler);

For a more advanced method to handle event listeners, I recommend using the event-listener.


  • getBoundingClientRect - returns the bounding client rectangle of a given Element;
  • getDocument - returns the containing #Document for a given Element or just any Document, useful when working with iframes;
  • getDocumentBody - returns the containing <body> for a given Element or just any;
  • getDocumentElement - returns the containing <html> for a given Element or just any;
  • getDocumentHead - returns the containing <head> for a given Element or just any;
  • getElementAnimationDelay - returns the animationDelay property of an animation property;
  • getElementAnimationDuration - returns the animationDuration property of a animation property;
  • getElementTransitionDelay - returns the transitionDelay property of a transition property;
  • getElementTransitionDuration - returns the transitionDuration property of a transition property;
  • getElementStyle - returns the Element computed style for a given property;
  • getNodeScroll - returns the Element / Window current { x, y } scroll position;
  • getParentNode - returns parent of a given Element;
  • getRectRelativeToOffsetParent - returns the bounding client rectangle of a given Element relative to a given offsetParent;
  • getUID - a nice utility that creates a unique ID for a given Element and returns it;
  • getWindow - returns the containing Window for a given Element or just any Window;
import { getElementAnimationDuration } from "@thednp/shorty";

// store the transition duration for target element on a modern browser
const duration = getElementAnimationDuration(target);


  • isArray - check if a given value is an Array;
  • isCanvas - check if a given value is a HTMLCanvasElement instance;
  • isCustomElement - check if a given value is a CustomElement instance;
  • isDocument - check if a given value is a Document instance;
  • isElement - check if a given value is an Element instance;
  • isElementInScrollRange - check if a given Element is partially visible in the viewport;
  • isElementInViewport - check if a given Element is fully visible in the viewport;
  • isElementsArray - check if a given value is an Array with Element instances;
  • isFunction - check if a given value is a Function instance;
  • isHTMLCollection - check if a given value is an HTMLCollection instance;
  • isHTMLElement - check if a given value is an HTMLElement instance;
  • isHTMLImageElement - check if a given value is an HTMLImageElement instance;
  • isMedia - check if a given value is an SVGElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement or HTMLVideoElement instance;
  • isNode - check if a given value is a Node instance;
  • isNodeList - check if a given value is a NodeList instance;
  • isNumber - check if a given value is string;
  • isRTL - check if a given node is contained in a <html dir="rtl">;
  • isScaledElement - check if a given Element is affected by scale;
  • isShadowRoot - check if a given Node is a ShadowRoot instance;
  • isString - check if a given value is string;
  • isSVGElement - check if a given value is SVGElement instance;
  • isTableElement - check if a given value is <table>, <td> or <th> Element;
  • isWindow - check if a given value is a Window instance;
import { isArray, isHTMLElement, isElementsArray } from "@thednp/shorty";

// check if a value is an `Array` of `Element` instances
if (isArray(myValue) && myValue.every(isHTMLElement)) {
  // do something with these instances

// or use the dedicated shortie of the above
if (isElementsArray(myValue)) {
  // do something with these instances


  • ArrayFrom - a shortie for Array.from() method;
  • Data - a small utility to store web components data that makes use of the native Map;
  • dispatchEvent - a shortie for Element.dispatchEvent() method;
  • distinct - a shortie you can use to filter duplicate values in an Array;
  • emulateAnimationEnd - utility to execute a callback function when animationend event is triggered, or execute the callback right after for legacy browsers;
  • emulateAnimationEndLegacy - for legacy browsers;
  • emulateTransitionEnd - utility to execute a callback function when transitionend event is triggered, or execute the callback right after for legacy browsers;
  • emulateTransitionEndLegacy - for legacy browsers;
  • Float32ArrayFrom - a shortie for Float32Array.from() method;
  • Float64ArrayFrom - a shortie for Float64Array.from() method;
  • focus - a shortie for Element.focus() method;
  • toggleFocusTrap - a useful utility to trap focus inside popups;
  • hasFocusTrap - check if an element has focus trap;
  • noop - is your regular () => {} NOOP;
  • normalizeOptions - a cool utility to normalize and crosscheck JavaScript options and their DATA API counterparts for various web components; supports namespaced options like data-NAMESPACE-option="value"; priority: JavaScript options > DATA API options > default options
  • ObjectAssign - a shortie for Object.assign() method;
  • ObjectEntries - a shortie for Object.entries() method;
  • ObjectHasOwn - a shortie for Object.hasOwn() method;
  • ObjectKeys - a shortie for Object.keys() method;
  • ObjectValues - a shortie for Object.values() method;
  • OriginalEvent - a small utility that returns a synthetic CustomEvent with the added relatedTarget and other properties;
  • passiveHandler - a constant that preserves a standard listener options with passive: true event option used;
  • passiveHandlerLegacy - for legacy browsers;
  • reflow - a small utility that force repaint of a given Element by "checking" its offsetHeight value, also because using just element.offsetHeight; won't validate on ESLint;
  • setElementStyle - a small utility that allows you to set multiple CSS properties at once for a given Element target;
  • Timer - a small but powerful utility that makes setTimeout have a meaning;
  • toLowerCase - a shortie for String.toLowerCase() method;
  • toUpperCase - a shortie for String.toUpperCase() method;

The Data and Timer utilities have their own specifics, you might want to check the wiki.

import { emulateTransitionEnd, distinct } from "@thednp/shorty";

// execute a callback when transitionend is triggered for the target
emulateTransitionEnd(targetElement, callback);

// define some arrays of numbers
const array1 = [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
const array2 = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10];

// merge them and filter them to make sure we have distinct values
const array3 = [...array1, ...array2].filter(distinct);
// [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]


  • closest - a shortie for Element.closest() method;
  • getCustomElements - returns an Array with all registered CustomElement;
  • getElementById - a shortie for document.getElementById() method;
  • getElementsByClassName - a shortie for Element.getElementsByClassName() method;
  • getElementsByTagName - a shortie for Element.getElementsByTagName() method;
  • matches - a shortie for Element.matches() method;
  • matchesLegacy - for legacy browsers;
  • querySelector - a simple utility to check if a given value is an Element or a selector string, and if a selector string find the FIRST Element and return it;
  • querySelectorAll - a simple utility to check if a certain item is an Element or a selector string, and if a selector string finds ALL the Elements and return them;
import { querySelector, querySelectorAll, documentAll, matches } from "@thednp/shorty";

// get first element that matches a certain selector
const element = querySelector(".my-class-name");

// get all elements that matches same selector
const elements = querySelectorAll(".my-class-name");

// now do the same as the above, but differently
const elements = [...documentAll].filter((x) => matches(x, ".my-class-name"));


  • bezierEasings - an Object comprised or a set of valid CSS transition-timing-function based on Cubic Bezier; EG: cubic-bezier(0.215,0.61,0.355,1) for bezierEasings.easingCubicOut;
  • mouseSwipeEvents - preserves the pointer events from mouse actions: start: mousedown, end: mouseup, move: mousemove, cancel: mouseout;
  • mouseClickEvents - preserves the pointer events from mouse actions: down: mousedown, up: mouseup;
  • mouseHoverEvents - preserve browser specific mouse hover events: mouseenter and mouseleave OR mouseover and mouseout;
  • touchEvents - preserves the pointer events from touch actions: start: touchstart, end: touchend, move: touchmove, cancel: touchcancel;
  • animationDuration - preserves the animationDuration property for modern browsers;
  • animationDelay - preserves the animationDelay property for modern browsers;
  • animationEndEvent - preserves the animationEndEvent event for modern browsers;
  • animationName - preserves the animationName property name for modern browsers;
  • transitionDuration - preserves the transitionDuration property name for modern browsers;
  • transitionDelay - preserves the transitionDelay property name for modern browsers;
  • transitionEndEvent - preserves the transitionend event name for modern browsers;
  • transitionProperty - preserves the transitionProperty property name for modern browsers;
  • addEventListener - preserves the addEventListener method name;
  • removeEventListener - preserves the removeEventListener method name;

There are lots more string constants available which include native event names, browser strings, keyboard key codes or ARIA specific attribute names. Be sure to check the src/strings folder for a complete list.

import { on, off, one, mouseClickEvents, touchEvents, passiveHandler } from "@thednp/shorty";

// attach a passive mousedown eventHandler
on(targetElement, mouseClickEvents.down, eventHandler, passiveHandler);

// detach a passive mousedown eventHandler
off(targetElement, mouseClickEvents.down, eventHandler, passiveHandler);

// attach a single instance passive touchstart eventHandler
one(targetElement, touchEvents.start, eventHandler, passiveHandler);

Advanced Use

Here's a simple example to showcase the benefit of using shorty.

// This is your typical day to day scripting
const target = document.getElementById("my-element");

target.addEventListener("click", function (e) {

Now make it all shorty. You might want to import shorties directly from their location, something we like to call "tree shaking".

// Example
import on from "@thednp/shorty/src/event/on";
import addClass from "@thednp/shorty/src/class/addClass";
import getElementById from "@thednp/shorty/src/selectors/getElementById";
import mouseclickEvent from "@thednp/shorty/src/strings/mouseclickEvent";

const target = getElementById("my-element");

on(target, mouseclickEvent, function (e) {
  addClass(target, "my-className");


shorty is released under the MIT License