
Integration between Google Calendar and Todoist.

MIT License


Todoist sync Google Calendar

An integration between Todoist and Google Calendar retrieves events for the next 7 days from Google Calendar and creates a synchronized copy on Todoist.

It is possible to synchronize multiple Google accounts with Todoist, and for each of them, the title, description, date, duration, and meeting links of the events are synchronized. Additionally, the email associated with the Google account is added as a label on the Todoist task.

Context: I primarily use Todoist to manage my daily tasks, but I'm required to use Google Calendar for work meetings. Having to use a second tool alongside Todoist isn't practical, and Todoist's default integration doesn't provide all the necessary information from Google Calendar: the meeting link and event description. That's why I created this integration.


You need to configure OAuth 2.0 and Consent Screen from the Google Cloud Platform Console.

For deployment, you'll need a server to deploy a NodeJS application containing a web server and a CRON, as well as a PostgreSQL database. I recommend the use of my template Railway, which enables one-click deployment.

You'll need to set the following environment variables (if you're using your own machine, you can define them in an .env file at the root of the project):

# The webserver port (default 3000):

# The CRON string (default "* * * * *" every minute):
CRON="* * * * *"

# Google OAuth 2.0 Client ID and secret:
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET="Google Client Secret"

# Todoist API token:
TODOIST_TOKEN="Todoist Token"

# PostgreSQL database URL:

# Ignored events (comma-separated list of event names):
IGNORE_EVENTS="Absent au bureau,Running"


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Extracted from project README
Deploy on Railway