


Welcome to my TypeScript course to build a fully-functional e-commerce website exactly like amazon. Open your code editor and follow me for the next hours to build an e-commerce website using MERN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, React and Node.JS).

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You Will Learn

  • Creating react application by Vite in TypeScript
  • Defining and exporting Types like product, orders and user in frontend
  • Creating e-commerce pages like cart, checkout and place order using React Router Dom
  • Using React hooks to handle form inputs and fetch backend api
  • Managing and monitoring application state by React Context
  • Handling shopping cart using reducers and local storage
  • Building backend web api by node.js, express.js and MongoDB
  • Handling authentication and authorization using JsonWebToken and express middleware.
  • Deploying your application on cloud servers like Render
  • PayPal and Stipe for online payment,
  • Render for deployment
  • Google Map for locate customer address on map
  • Mailgun to email order receipt to user

Run Locally

1. Clone repo

$ git clone [email protected]:basir/ts-mern-amazona.git
$ cd ts-mern-amazona

2. Create .env File

  • duplicate .env.example in backend folder and rename it to .env

3. Setup MongoDB

  • Local MongoDB
    • Install it from here
    • In .env file update MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost/amazona
  • OR Atlas Cloud MongoDB

4. Run Backend

$ cd backend
$ npm install
$ npm start

5. Run Frontend

# open new terminal
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start

6. Seed Users and Products

7. Admin Login


  • Contact Instructor: Basir
