
Database of Twitch VTubers from South East Asia.

MIT License



Database of Twitch VTubers from South East Asia.

Heads up!

This project is a proof of concept, and still uses sample data of the VTubers that I know. Once the data structure is finalised, and a submission/removal process is laid out, I'll be opening this list out and will replace the "database" with actual data.

Since I'm personally not that deeply-invested into the VTuber scene, I will need help in updating this database. Let me know at @resir014 on Twitter if you're interested.

The database

The complete database in raw form (without stats) can be viewed on this link.

The submission/removal process can be viewed in the Contributing Guidelines document.

Getting started

Setting up the project

To get started running the project locally, please follow the steps below.

First, clone the repository.

git clone

Then, install the dependencies to your local machine. Note that we use Yarn, not npm.

cd twitch-vtubers-sea
yarn install

Setting up Twitch API

Before running the local server, you need to set up the Twitch API.

First, make a copy of the .env.example file and rename it to .env.

Then, go to your Twitch Developer Console and create a new app. Set the category as "Website Integration", and set the callback URL to http://localhost:3000/callback.

Then, copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret from the console into the newly created .env file.


Starting the server

Finally, run the development server.

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Learn more

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:


Pull Requests + contributions welcome! Please read the Contributing Guidelines if you want to contribute.