
Template for developing an app in TypeScript/Electron, Svelte and Tailwind CSS with hot-reloading.

MIT License



This is a template for developing an app in TypeScript/Electron, Svelte and Tailwind CSS with hot-reloading.

The purpose of this template is enabling hot-reloading for every technology in the app:

  • Watch and constantly recompile the TypeScript/Electron client with tsc-watch.
  • Watch and constantly rebundle the Svelte app in /renderer with Rollup.
  • Watch and constantly reload the TypeScript/Electron client with electron-reload.
  • Generate the Tailwind CSS build file by running it through PostCSS once.

This dev setup will watch on .ts files (TypeScript/Electron client), .js files (Svelte frontend) and index.html.


  1. Clone repo.
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Generate Tailwind CSS build file: npm run css
  4. Kickstart the hot-reload cycle: npm run start

How it works

  1. npm run start bundles the Svelte app into build/client/public/bundle.js with rollup. Changes to the Svelte app will trigger rebundling.
  2. rollup spawns a child process to compile the TypeScript/Electron client files into build/client/ with tsc-watch. Changes to the TypeScript/Electron client will trigger recompilation.
  3. The client imports client/utils/hotReload to hot reload itself with electron-reload whenever changes occur in build/client/renderer/bundle.js (bundled Svelte app) or in client/public/index.html.


© 2020 Iván Ovejero


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md

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