

TypeScript For React Developers

N.B. I will continue updating this repository until Tuesday evening, so please make sure you run git pull and pnpm install on Wednesday, if you follow these instructions before then.

Before the workshop, please make sure you:

  1. Download and install the latest LTS release of node from https://nodejs.org/en/
  2. Install VSCode from https://code.visualstudio.com (you can use another editor if you prefer but this is the one I use)
  3. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/ForbesLindesay/typescript-for-react-developers.git
  4. Open the repository's root directory in VSCode (or your editor of choice)
  5. Open a terminal in the repository's root directory (you can do this within VSCode using the "Terminal" -> "New Terminal" menu option, or use your preferred terminal app).
  6. In the terminal, run corepack enable to tell node.js to use corepack to select the right package manager.
  7. Run pnpm install to install dependencies.
  8. Run pnpm prepared. If you've done everything right, you should see a URL like http://localhost:5173 and opening that URL should show a web page with the text "Welcome to TypeScript for React Developers".

If you can run all these steps in advance, it will save a lot of time during the workshop. If you run into any issues, please let me know as soon as possible so I can help you get setup before we start the workshop.

I recommend you don't look through the exercises or answers in advance. Just come to the workshop ready to learn. I look forward to seeing you in Alicante.

P.S. I also recommend installing the React Developer Tools.