
A collection of recipe components

MIT License


Boilerplate UI Component Library

Recipe components built on React Storybook


Tools & Frameworks

  1. React Storybook for UI components

  2. TypeScript for type-safety

  3. Rollup for bundling the package

  4. Husky for performing pre-push checks

  5. Concurrently for running pre-push checks in parallel


  1. Automatic lint fixes using EsLint

  2. Storybook Story snippet

  3. Story interaction test example

  4. @storybook/addon-links for linking from one story to another

  5. Auto-deploy Storybook to GitHub pages (demo above)

Getting started

Run the app

Option 1: Using local environment:

nvm use # Switches to Node version defined in .nvmrc
npm ci
npm run dev

Option 2: Running in Docker:

npm run dev:docker

View the component library


How to use

  1. Register the GitHub Package Registry in your .npmrc file (additional docs):
# .npmrc
  1. Install the package:
npm install @olivercaine/ui-component-library-recipes@latest


yarn install @olivercaine/ui-component-library-recipes@latest

Older versions can be found in the packages page.

  1. Import the package into your app:
import { Ingredients } from '@olivercaine/ui-component-library-recipes'
import { recipes } from '@olivercaine/recipe-data'
import * as React from 'react'

export const MyComponent = () =>
    {/* Your custom code */}
   <Ingredients recipe={recipe}/>
  1. Example recipe data can be installed from olivercaine/recipe-data

How to run locally

  1. npm ci
  2. npm run dev


  1. https://tailblocks.cc for providing helpful pre-built components


Not allowed to write organization package

Error message:

Permission installation not allowed to Write organization package


You may be trying to publish to an NPM repositoryw which doesn't belong to you


Make sure that the name in package.json starts with @[GitHub username]/

Write package permission denied

Error message:

Permission permission_denied: write_package


GitHub Actions does not have permission to publish the package


Enable [GitHub Repo] > Settings > Actions > General > "Read and write permissions"


  1. Placeholder images    
    1. Rename Placeholders.stories-disabled.tsx to enable it
    2. Fix import of placeholder images
  2. Gracefully handle missing images
  3. Change main logo