
Unrouted is a minimal, composable router built for speed, portability and DX



  • Portable Powered by h3, supporting Serverless, Workers, and Node.js workers.
  • Fast Param Routing radix3 named params (/user/:id, /user/{id} and /user/**)
  • Composable Design Utility functions for defining your api, handling requests and serving responses
  • Built to Test Testing utility package provided: @unrouted/test-kit using supertest
  • Pluggable hookable hooks, preset and plugin system.
  • Controller Support Create complex API architectures using controller pattern

Node Preset

  • Fetch Payload Types Automatic type definitions for your routes

API Preset

  • Easy Prototyping cors enabled by default, easy debugging with consola and composable utility for sirv

Getting Started

  1. Add the dependency.
npm install unrouted
# or Yarn
yarn add unrouted
# or PNPM
pnpm add unrouted
  1. Create the Unrouted instance.
import { createUnrouted } from 'unrouted'
// ...
async function createApi() {
  const { setup, handle } = await createUnrouted({
    // options

Creating unrouted will return the Unrouted Context. To get your API setup, you need to make use of two functions: setup and handle.

  1. Create your routes using composable functions, within setup (setup optional).
import { createUnrouted, get } from 'unrouted'
// ...
async function createApi() {
  const { setup, app } = await createUnrouted({
    // options

  await setup(() => {
    get('/', 'hello world')

Note: The setup function ensures the unrouted context is used by the utility functions and lets us perform hooks on the final routes provided by your API, such as generating types.

  1. Tell your server to handle the request using handle.
import { createUnrouted, get } from 'unrouted'
// ...
async function createApi() {
  const { setup, app } = await createUnrouted({
    // options

  await setup(() => {
    get('/', 'hello world')

  // app could be h3, koa, connect, express servers

Setup Examples

import { createUnrouted, get } from 'unrouted'
import { createApp } from 'h3'
import { listen } from 'listhen'

async function createApi() {
  // ctx is the unrouted context
  const { setup, app } = await createUnrouted({
    // options

  await setup(() => {
    get('/', 'hello world')

  return app

async function boot() {
  const app = createApp()
  app.use(await createApi())

boot().then(() => {
import { createUnrouted, get } from 'unrouted'
import createConnectApp from 'connect'

async function createApi() {
  // ctx is the unrouted context
  const { setup, app } = await createUnrouted({
    // options

  await setup(() => {
    get('/', 'hello world')

  return app.nodeHandler

async function boot() {
  const app = createConnectApp()
  app.use(await createApi())

boot().then(() => {
import { createUnrouted, get } from 'unrouted'
import createExpressApp from 'express'

async function createApi() {
  // ctx is the unrouted context
  const { setup, app } = await createUnrouted({
    // options

  await setup(() => {
    get('/hello-world', 'api is working')

    post('/contact', () => {
      const { email } = useBody<{ email: string }>()

      return {
        success: true,

  return app.nodeHandler

async function boot() {
  const app = createExpressApp()
  app.use(await createApi())

boot().then(() => {


Using Presets

Using Controllers

Writing your API



  • get(path: string, res) - GET route
  • post(path: string, res) - POST route
  • put(path: string, res) - PUT route
  • del(path: string, res) - DELETE route
  • head(path: string, res) - HEAD route
  • options(path: string, res) - OPTIONS route
  • any(path: string, res) - Matches any HTTP method
  • match(method: string, path: string, res) - Matches a specific HTTP method, useful for dynamic method matching

Response Utils

  • permanentRedirect(path: string, toPath: string) - Performs a permanent redirect
  • redirect(path: string, toPath: string, statusCode: number = 302) - Performs a temproary redirect by default, you can change the status code

Grouping utils

  • group(prefix: string, () => void) - Allows you to group composables under a specific prefix
  • middleware(prefix: string, () => void) - Allows you to group composables under a specific prefix
  • prefix(prefix: string, () => void) - Allows you to group composables under a specific prefix

Node only

  • serve(path: string, dirname: string, sirvOptions: Options = {}) - Serve static content using sirv

res is a function similar to standard middleware.

get('/', (request: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
  return 'hello world'

Since Unrouted is composable, you may not need to use these arguments.

get('/', 'hello world')

You can return the following as a primitive or as an async / sync function which returns a primitive:

  • string|boolean - Will be assumed an HTML response and set the content-type to text/html
  • number - Will be assumed a status code
  • object - Will be assumed a JSON response and set the content-type to application/json
  • void - You can modify the ServerResponse directly and return nothing
// text/html -> 'api is working' - 200
get('/hello-world', 'api is working')

// application/json -> { success: true, time: 1245456789 } - 200
post('/time', () => {
  return {
    success: true,
    time: new Date().toTimeString(),

get('/secret-zone', async (req, res) => {
  const authenticated = await authenticate()

  // Example where we use the response directly
  if (!authenticated) {
    res.statusCode = 401
    // we can return void here

  // using the request directly
  if (!authenticated && req.headers['x-secret-token'] !== 'secret') {
    // can simply return an integer as the status code response
    return 401

  return {
    success: true,
    message: 'Welcome to the secret zone!',

API Examples

Nuxt example

myApi Test Fixture


Use of the setup function is optional. By defining all of your routes in a predictable way unrouted is able to provide runtime enhancements through the hooks' system, such as generating types.

For example plugins can make use of the defined routes as:

const { hooks } = useUnrouted()

hooks.hook('setup:after', (ctx) => {
  // ctx.routes contains all of the routes defined in the setup function

Handling requests and responses

The two main functions you'll use are useBody and useParams, both are provided as composables with generics.

Body and Params example

interface User {
  name: string
  age: number

post('/user/:name', () => {
  const { name } = useParams<{ name: string }>()
  const { age } = useBody<User>()
  // ...
  return {
    success: true,
    user: {
const { name } = useBody<{ name: string }>()
// ts works, name is a string

Note: Unrouted does not come with validation.

Most functions provided by h3 are exposed on unrouted as composable utilities. See the h3 docs for more details.

Request Utils

  • useRequest() - Returns the request object
  • useRawBody(encoding?: string) - Reads the raw body of the request
  • useQuery<T>() - Reads the query string of the request, has generics support
  • useMethod(defaultMethod?: string) - Reads the HTTP method of the request
  • isMethod(method: string) - Checks if the request method is the same as the provided method
  • assertMethod(method: string) - Asserts that the request method is the same as the provided method
  • useCookies() - Reads the cookies of the request
  • useCookies(name: string) - Reads a specific cookie of the request

Response Utils

  • useResponse() - Returns the response object
  • setCookie(name: string, value: string, serializeOptions?: any) - Sets cookie on the response
  • sendRedirect(path: string, statusCode?: number) - Performs a redirect
  • setStatusCode(statusCode: number) - Sets the status code of the response
  • sendError(error: Error | H3Error) - Sends an error response
  • appendHeader(name: string, value: string) - Appends a header to the response

Extending composables

If you'd like to create your own composable utility functions, you can use the low-level registerRoute or use the existing composable functions.


Using registerRoute we create a new composable function to deny certain paths.

export function deny(route: string) {
  registerRoute('*', route, () => {
    return {
      success: false,
      error: 'you\'re not allowed here'

// ...

We can build on top of existing composable functions to create more complex utilities.

export function resource(route: string, factory) {
  get(route, factory.getAll)
  group(`${route}/:id`, () => {
    get('/', factory.getResource)
    post('/', factory.saveResource)
    del('/', factory.deleteResource)
// ...
resource('/posts', factory)

Using test-kit with auto-completion

Unrouted comes with package called @unrouted/test-kit which provides a simple way to write tests that make use of generated types.

  1. Add the dependency
npm install -D @unrouted/test-kit
  1. Have Unrouted generate types
import { createUnrouted } from 'unrouted'

await createUnrouted({
  // dev should be dynamic, must be on to generate types
  dev: true,
  generateTypes: true,
  // Optional: if you want to change the output directory of the routes
  root: join(__dirname, '__routes__')

Now when your code next runs the setup function, the route definitions will be generated.

  1. Use the test-kit to write tests

Here we bootstrap Unrouted on our server (such as connect) and create a request instance which we'll use to test.

import { test } from '@unrouted/test-kit'
// this should point to your routes
import { RequestPathSchema } from '../../routes.d.ts'

// createApi is a function which builds the api and returns the handle function
const api = await createApi({ debug: true })
// tell our server to use the api
// create a test request instance
const request = testKit<RequestPathSchema>(app)

Now you can start testing. See supertest documentation for further testing instructions.

// /hello-world is autocompleted

Unrouted functions

  • createUnrouted - Create the unrouted instance
  • defineConfig - Define unrouted config
  • defineUnroutedPlugin - Define an unrouted plugin
  • defineUnroutedPreset - Define an unrouted preset
  • useUnrouted - Use the global unrouted instance


  • setup:before: (ctx: UnroutedContext) => HookResult;

Called before the setup() function starts. No routes are available yet.

  • setup:after: (ctx: UnroutedContext) => HookResult

Called after the setup() function is finished. At this point, routes are normalised and registered.

  • setup:routes: (routes: Route[]) => HookResult

Called when hooks are normalised, can be used to transform the hooks before they are registered to the router.

  • request:payload: (ctx: PayloadCtx) => HookResult

When the payload is resolved from your routes.

  • request:lookup:before: (requestPath: string) => HookResult;

Before the radix3 router is used to look up the route path.

  • request:error:404: (requestPath: string, req: IncomingMessage) => HookResult;

By default, unrouted, does not handle 404s; this lets you handle it.


import { useUnrouted } from 'unrouted'

const { hooks } = useUnrouted()

hooks.hook('setup:before', () => {
  console.log('before setup')


You can provide configuration to the createUnrouted function directly, provide a unrouted.config.ts file or link a configuration file using configFile.


  • Type: string
  • Default: /

All routes will be served from this prefix.


  • Type: string
  • Default: ``

Setting a name for the unrouted context will allow you to generate contextual types and have custom scoped debugging logs.

If you only plan to have a single instance of Unrouted, this will likely not be needed.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Displays debug logs on the bootstrapping and request life cycles.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Setting the dev mode to true allows unrouted to generate types.


  • Type: string
  • Default: process.cwd()

Specify the root where we're running things. This is used for type generation and config loading.


  • Type: string
  • Default: unrouted.config.js

Specify the location of a config file.


  • Type: ResolvedPlugin[]
  • Default: []


  • Type: ResolvedPlugin[]
  • Default: []


  • Type: Middleware[]|Handle[]
  • Default: []


  • Type: UnroutedHooks
  • Default: {}


Unrouted Context

export interface UnroutedContext {
   * Runtime configuration for the current prefix path.
  prefix: string
   * Resolved configuration.
  config: ResolvedConfig
   * Function used to handle a request for the Unrouted instance.
   * This should be passed to a server such as h3, connect, express, koa, etc.
  handle: HandleFn
   * A flat copy of the normalised routes being used.
  routes: Route[]
   * The routes grouped by method, this is internally used by the handle function for quicker lookups.
  methodStack: Record<HttpMethod, (RadixRouter<Route> | null)>
   * The logger instance. Will be Consola if available, otherwise console.
  logger: Consola | Console
   * The hookable instance, allows hooking into core functionality.
  hooks: UnroutedHookable
   * Composable setup function for declaring routes.
   * @param fn
  setup: (fn: () => void) => Promise<void>



MIT License 2022 Harlan Wilton