
React Hooks for Neo4j

MIT License


A set of components and hooks for building React applications that communicate to Neo4j. This is a package intended to speed up the development by reducing the amount of boilerplate code required. It is not intended for public-facing/production applications used by external users.

A basic example of this library has been configured in the Graph App Starter Kit for React template repository.


npm i --save use-neo4j


Creating a Driver instance

If you want to hard code the Driver credentials into your app, you can use the createDriver helper function to create a new Driver instance and pass it to the Neo4jProvider. This will cause the child components to be rendered immediately.

import { Neo4jProvider, createDriver } from 'use-neo4j'

const driver = createDriver('neo4j', 'localhost', 7687, 'neo4j', 'letmein')

    <Neo4jProvider driver={driver}>
      <App />

Login Form

If you do not pass a driver instance to the Neo4jProvider, a login form will be displayed. You can pass default values through to the form using props:

import { Neo4jProvider } from 'use-neo4j'

    <Neo4jProvider scheme="neo4j+s" host="" port="7687" username="username" password="defaultpassword" database="mydb">
      <App />

Hide Database

You can hide the database field from the form by passing showDatabase prop with a value of false

<Neo4jProvider showDatabase={false}>

Hide Host

You can force the user to connect to a specific database by providing the connection details to the Neo4jProvider and set the showHost prop to false.

<Neo4jProvider scheme="neo4j" host="localhost" port="7687" showHost={false}>



The cypher hooks will run a query against the Neo4j database using the driver instance passed to the Neo4jProvider or created during the login process. Each hook returns a Neo4jResultState which gives you access to a loading boolean, the result itself, any errors thrown during the query and helpers for accessing the first row.

export interface Neo4jResultState {
    cypher: string;
    params?: Record<string, any>;
    database?: string;
    loading: boolean;
    error?: Error;
    result?: QueryResult;
    records?: Neo4jRecord[];
    first?: Neo4jRecord;
    run: (params?: Record<string, any>, anotherDatabase?: string) => Promise<void | QueryResult>;


useReadCypher(cypher: string, params?: Record<string, any>, database?: string): Neo4jResultState

Example code:

function MyComponent() {
    const query = `MATCH (m:Movie {title: $title}) RETURN m`
    const params = { title: 'The Matrix' }

    const { loading, first } = useReadCypher(query, params)

    if ( loading ) return (<div>Loading...</div>)

    // Get `m` from the first row
    const movie = first.get('m')

    return (
        <div>{} was released in {}</div>


useWriteCypher(cypher: string, params?: Record<string, any>, database?: string): Neo4jResultState

Re-running a Query

The run function allows you to re-run a query if a prop changes. This should be wrapped in a useEffect function.

const [ query ] = useState('Matrix')
const { loading, records, run, } = useReadCypher('MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE m.title CONTAINS $query RETURN m LIMIT 12', { query })

// Listen for changes to `query` and re-run cypher if anything changes
useEffect(() => {
    run({ query })
}, [ query ])

Lazy Queries

If you don't want the query to run straight away (for example an update query), you can use the useLazyReadCypher or useLazyWriteCypher functions. The hooks return an array containing the function to run the query and the Neo4jResultState as the second parameter:

const [ updateMovie, { loading, first } ] = useLazyWriteCypher(
  `MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE id(m) = $id SET m += $updates, m.updatedAt = datetime() RETURN m.updatedAt as updatedAt`

const handleSubmit = e => {

    updateMovie({ id: int(0), updates: { title, plot } })
        .then(res => {
            res && setConfirmation(`Node updated at ${res.records[0].get('updatedAt').toString()}`)
        .catch(e => setError(e))

return (
  <Button primary onClick={handleSubmit}>Update Node</Button>

The run function takes two optional arguments: an object of params and a database if different from the default.


Transaction hooks give you a convenient way to open a new transaction.

export interface TransactionState {
    transaction: Transaction;
    run: Function,
    rollback: Function,


useReadTransaction(database?: string): TransactionState


useWriteTransaction(database?: string): TransactionState


import { useWriteTransaction } from 'use-neo4j'

const { commit, rollback } = useWriteTransaction('mydb')

    .then(properties => {
        // Use `run` to execute a query within the transaction
        return run(`CREATE (n:Node) SET n+= $properties`, { properties })
            //  If all is fine, commit the transaction
            .then(() => commit())
    // If anything goes wrong, you can rollback the transaction
    .catch(e => rollback())

Schema Hooks


Note: Requires APOC

The useSchema hook calls the apoc.meta.schema procedure and returns arrays of labels and relationship types.


const { loading, labels, types } = useSchema(database)


export interface UseSchemaOutput {
    loading: boolean;
    labels: LabelSchema[];
    types: RelationshipTypeSchema[];


The useDatabases hook returns a list of databases for the current connection (version 4.0 and above). The hook runs the SHOW DATABASES query against the system database and returns a list of databases.

const { loading, error, databases } = useDatabases()


interface UseDatabasesOutput {
    loading: boolean;
    error?: Error;
    databases: Database[] | undefined

A Database object consists of:

interface Database {
    name: string;
    address: string;
    role: DatabaseRole;
    requestedStatus: DatabaseStatus;
    currentStatus: DatabaseStatus;
    error: string;
    default: boolean;

Connection Hooks


The useConnection hook allows you to update the connection details for the driver held in Neo4jContext

useConnection(scheme: Neo4jScheme, host: string, port: string | number, username: string, password: string)

This hook will update the driver instance within the context and attempt to verify connectivity.