
A react task runner for asynchronous things

MIT License



A React Hook to schedule asynchronous things.


yarn add use-tasker


Import the repo and try out the example in CodeSandbox:


import { useTasker, seq, concurrent, task } from "use-tasker";

const sleep = (t) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, t));

function Pipeline() {
  const { state, start } = useTasker(
      task("title 1", async () => {
        await sleep(2000);
        task("deploy pods", async () => {
          await sleep(3000);
        task("deploy service", async () => {
          await sleep(3000);
        task("deploy ingress", async () => {
          await sleep(3000);

  return (
        <code>{JSON.stringify(state, null, 2)}</code>



const { state, start } = useTasker(taskList, context);
  • taskList: TaskList - The TaskList returned by seq or concurrent functions described below
  • context: any - The parameter passed to all taskFn functions. You can use this as an internal state to pass values from one task to another.
  • returns { state, start }
  • state: TaskerState - A nested structure that is updated as the tasks complete. This is the store of a reducer. More details under state topic.
  • start: () => void - The function to start running the tasks. Add this as the click event handler of a button or a similar other thing.


The state returned by the useTasker hook gives the current state of the execution pipeline. It's a nested recursive structure that is derived from the input structure of the taskList.

The type definition of the state can be imported for TS projects and is defined as -

type TaskRunStatus = "NOT_STARTED" | "LOADING" | "SUCCESS" | "ERROR";

interface TaskerState {
  title: string;
  status: TaskRunStatus;
  tasks?: TaskerState[];
  error?: any;

The state updates as and when the execution proceeds and triggers a re-render of the component that uses useTasker. You can create two mututally recursive components to render this recursive state. For example, the following code will render the recursive state as a nested ul, li list.

import { TaskerState } from "use-tasker";

function ListItem({ data }: { data: TaskerState }) {
  return (
      {data.status}: {data.title} ({data.error ? data.error.message : null})
      {data.tasks ? <List tasks={data.tasks} /> : null}

function List({ tasks }: { tasks: TaskerState["tasks"] }) {
  return (
      { => (
        <ListItem data={it} key={it.title + it.status} />


import { task } from "use-tasker";

The task specifier. A task can retur any value including promises. If a task returns, it means it is successfully completed. If the task throws an error or returns a rejected promise, the task failed.

task(name, taskFn);
  • name: string- name of the task
  • taskFn: (context) => any | Promise<any> - the task function
    • context: any - the context passed to useTasker
  • returns Task


import { seq } from "use-tasker";

A sequence TaskList specifier. Members of the sequence are executed sequentially. An Error in one of the steps will stop the execution of the sequence.

seq(name, ...taskLike);
  • name: string- name for the sequence
  • taskLike: Task | TaskList - a Task returned by the task function or another seq or concurrent TaskList returned by seq or concurrent functions
  • returns TaskList


import { concurrent } from "use-tasker";

A concurrent TaskList specifier. Members are executed concurrently using Promise.allSettled. An error in one or more of the members will be collected and thrown as a ConcurrentTasksError - more details about this error is described below in Error Handling.

concurrent(name, ...taskLike);
  • name: string- name for the concurrent tasks
  • taskLike: Task | TaskList - a Task returned by the task function or another seq or concurrent TaskList returned by seq or concurrent functions
  • returns TaskList

Error handling

  • task: Tasks can throw an error or return a rejected Promise. Depending on whether it is used as a member of seq or concurrent, the error is handled accordingly.

    task("title1", () => {
      throw new Error("title1");
    task("title2", () => {
      return Promise.reject(new Error("title2"));
  • seq: Errors thrown or rejected promises in seq stop the current pipeline.

  • concurrent: Errors thrown or rejected promises in concurrent are collected as it is collected by Promise.allSettled. They are then wrapped using a custom error class - ConcurrentTasksError. For example,

    import { ConcurrentTasksError } from "use-tasker";
    function ErrorComponent(state: TaskerState) {
      if (state.error) {
        if (state.error instanceof ConcurrentTasksError) {
          return <div>{ => err.message)}</div>;
      return null;


This project is inspired by Listr, which is a terminal task list.
