
Vandux - A vanillaJS Redux style pattern for use with standard html



So you want a Redux solution for components, but have server rendered DOM you have no control over?

Here is an ES6 Pub/Sub pattern with a State Machine pattern combined with Reducers for said situation.

Would I recommend using this over something like React on the server and client? Nope, I would not.

What this will work well for, is those cases when you do not have a universal render, still need SEO compliance, and want predictable/testable state management.


Codepen example

Getting started

npm install -D vandux or yarn add vandux

Then connect your html with a Vandux store. A full example can be found in here:

Note that Vandux is not currently intended to be a global store, it is intended to be used at a component/module level. Providing your components with the ability to show you what happened when. You can have several Vandux stores, all working independently.

A Vandux code example

Some html you'd like to "connect" with a Vandux store

<div class="wrapper" data-vx="componentA">
  <p>Name: <span data-vx="componentA__name"></p>
  <p>Title: <span data-vx="componentA__title"></p>

  <p><input type="text" data-vx="componentA__update-name" placeholder="Alter 'Name'"></input></p>
  <p><input type="text" data-vx="componentA__update-title" placeholder="Alter 'Title'"></input></p>

Assuming this folder structure for componentA ...

- componentA/
  - reducer.js
  - render.js
  - index.js

Your entry file

import componentA from './componentA';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  componentA({ name: '', title: '' }); // Pass in initial state


// Component setup function.
// Initial state is passed in to the component, connecting the component with the store.
// It will render with it's initial state automatically using an action of type `INIT`.

import { createStore } from 'vandux';
import reducer from './reducer';
import render from './render';

// Creates a relationship between event listeners and the store.

function addListeners(el, store) {
  el.querySelector('[data-vx=componentA__update-name]').addEventListener('keyup', e =>
    store.publish('UPDATE_NAME', { name: }));

  el.querySelector('[data-vx=componentA__update-title]').addEventListener('keyup', e =>
    store.publish('UPDATE_TITLE', { name: }));

// Setup function, Connecting the component with the store.

export default (initialState) => {
  const el = document.querySelector('[data-vx="componentA"]');

  const store = createStore({ reducer, initialState }).connect([
  ], el, render);

  addListeners(el, store);


export default function reducer(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {

    case 'UPDATE_NAME':
      return { ...state, name: };

    case 'UPDATE_TITLE':
      return { ...state, title: };

    default: return state;


let $name;
let $title;

// Render function - perform DOM manipulations in here.

export default function render(state, el, event) {
  $name = $name || el.querySelector('[data-vx=componentA__name]');
  $title = $title || el.querySelector('[data-vx=componentA__title]');

  // Add data to the DOM

  $title.textContent = state.title;
  $name.textContent =;

Debug mode

Add the query param ?vandux-debug=true to your URL to see this kind of output in your browser console. It will show you what happened when, helping you debug race conditions.

wrapper,componentB INIT {name: "", title: ""}
wrapper,componentB UPDATE_NAME {name: "a", title: ""}}
wrapper,componentB UPDATE_NAME {name: "aa", title: ""}
wrapper,componentB UPDATE_NAME {name: "aaa", title: ""}

Note the first items are the values of the attributes on the html component - so you can identify which component published the event.

Thoughts on security

If you are planning to use this with innerHTML, be sure to use something like this to sanitise your html

Happy coding!