
MIT License


VSCode Python Config

Creates config files with pre-defined settings for modern Python projects in your VSCode workspace.

Files in the workspace's .vscode folder:

  • settings.json: Best settings for Python-related extensions
  • launch.json: Configurations for debugging your python projects
  • tasks.json: Tasks to execute your python projects

Python-specific files in the root directory for any workspace:

  • .pre-commit-config.yaml: Tools to run on every git commit
  • pyproject.toml: General settings for the linters and formatters
  • requirements-dev.txt: Python packages to install for developers (linter, testing etc.)
  • requirements.txt: Python packages to install for users (starts as an empty file)

General IDE Files in the root directory (*):

  • .editorconfig: Standard file settings (line-feed, insert new-line, etc.)
  • .gitattributes: Gives attributes to pathnames
  • .gitignore: Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore

Files for python projects (has a project defined in pyproject.toml or setup.py/cfg) (*):

  • .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yaml
  • .github/workflows/documentation.yaml
  • .github/workflows/pre-commit.yaml
  • .github/workflows/publish.yaml
  • .github/workflows/test.yaml
  • docs/index.md
  • docs/api.md
  • mkdocs.yaml
  • README.md

(*): These files are not overridden, if already existing.

How to use

Just run the command 'Generate Python Config Files' in VSCode's command palette.


  • ⚙️ Line Length: Max. line length for the tools (defaults to 120, Global Setting)
  • ⚙️ Is Aggressive: If set to true, mypy, ruff and others will have activated most of its features (defaults to false, Global Setting)
  • ⚙️ Python Target Version: Various tools has some features based on the "minimal" python version for that project (defaults to 3.10, Global Setting)
  • ⚙️ Formatting tool: The python formatter that should be used, its either
    • ruff format (Default)
    • black

Release Notes

Refer to the CHANGELOG.


Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Jan Schaffranek. Licensed under the MIT License.

Supporting the Work

Feel free to donate, such that I have more time to work on my VSCode extensions.

Or use the Link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3WDK6ET99ZQCU