
🎈Customizable floating menu for Vue

MIT License

  • πŸ‘Œ Β Drag and place the menu anywhere on screen.
  • πŸ‘“ The smart menu system detects the edges of the screen and flips the menu automatically.
  • πŸ‘ Support for nested menus.
  • ⌨ Keyboard Accessible.
  • 🌈 Support for custom themes.
  • πŸ’ͺ Built with Typescript.
  • 🧰 Intuitive API with data driven behavior.
  • 🌠 Built with the all new Vue 3.

⚑ Installation

pnpm install vue-float-menu

πŸš€ Getting Started

vue-float-menu has some great defaults. Please check the props section for all available options.

vue-float-menu finds the optimal menu orientation depending on the position of the menu. for e.g if the menu is placed at the bottom edge and the orientation set to bottom, the component will automatically flip the orientation to top.

Here is a basic example that sets the default position of the menu as top left.

    :position="'top left'"

import { FloatMenu } from "vue-float-menu";
import "vue-float-menu/dist/vue-float-menu.css";

export default {
  components: {
  setup() {
    const handleSelection = (selectedItem) => {
    return {
  data() {
    return {
      items: [
        { name: "New" },
          name: "Edit",
          subMenu: {
            name: "edit-items",
            items: [{ name: "Copy" }, { name: "Paste" }],
          name: "Open Recent"
          name: "Save",


Prop Type Description
dimension number dimension of the Menu Head width x height in pixels.
position String initial position of the Menu Head. can be any one of the values top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right
fixed Boolean disables dragging and the menu will be fixed. use the position prop to fix the menu position
menu-dimension Object sets the width and minimum height of the Menu.
menu-data Object data to generate the menu. refer to populating the menu for usage details.
on-selected Function hook that is called on selection.
menu-style String can be slide-out or accordion.slide-out is the default menu style.
flip-on-edges Boolean flips the menu content on the right edges of the screen.
theme Object prop to customize the color schemes. refer theme for usage.


The position prop can be used to set the initial position of the Menu Head. The prop can accept any one of the following values.

  • top left (default)
  • top right
  • bottom left
  • bottom right
  <float-menu :dimension=50 position="bottom right">
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

Menu head dimension

dimension prop can be used to set the width and height of the menu head. The prop takes a single number value to set the height and width of the Menu Head.

  <float-menu :dimension=50>
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

Menu dimension

prop to set the height and width of the menu.

    :menu-dimension="{height: 400, width: 300}"
    position="bottom right"
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

Menu Style

The component supports two modes slide-out(default) and accordion. The accordion style is more suitable for mobile devices.

    position="bottom right"
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

Populating the Menu

Use the menu-data prop to create simple or nested menus of your liking. menu-data takes an array of MenuItem type

MenuItem properties

property description
name display name of the menu item.
subMenu data for the sub-menu
disabled disables the menu item
divider makes the item as a divider

Here we create a simple Menu structure with 3 Menu items with no sub menus.

const menuData = [
  { name: "New" },
    name: "Edit",
    subMenu: {
      name: "edit-items",
      items: [{ name: "Copy" }, { name: "Paste", disabled: true }],
  {divider: true},
    name: "Open Recent",
    subMenu: {
      name: "recent-items",
      items: [{ name: "Document 1" }, {divider: true}, { name: "Document 2" }],
    :menu-dimension="{height: 400, width: 300}"
    position="bottom right"
    <BoxIcon />


hook for the menu item selection event.

    position="bottom right"
    :menu-dimension="{height: 400, width: 300}"
    :menu-data="{items: [{name: 'File'}, {name: 'Open'}]}"
    <BoxIcon />

Flip on edges

setting this prop flips the menu content on the right edges of the screen.

    position="bottom right"
    <BoxIcon />

Fixed Menu

To disable dragging and to fix the position statically, set fixed to true. This prop is disabled by default. Use this prop along with the position prop to set the desired position.

  <float-menu :dimension=50 position="bottom right" fixed>
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

🎨 Custom icon

To customize the Menu Icon, simply pass any content in between the float-menu tags. Here we render a custom icon.

    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

and here we render a text Click inside the Menu handle


🎭 Icon support

Each menu item can be iconified and the component uses slots to inject the icons.

Pass individual icons (or images) as templates marked with a unique slot id. please make sure the ids match the iconSlot property in the items array.

  <template #new>
  <template #edit>

export default defineComponent({
  name: "MenuExample",
  data()  {
    return {
      items: [
        { name: "New File", iconSlot: "new" },
        { name: "New Window", iconSlot: "edit" },

This works seamlessly even for nested menu structure. Make sure the slot ids match and the component will render the icons appropriately.

  <template #cut>

export default defineComponent({
  name: "MenuExample",
  data()  {
    return {
      items: [
        { name: "edit",
        subMenu: [{ name: "cut", iconSlot: "cut" }]},

🌈 Theme

Customize the color schemes with the theme prop.

      primary: '#00539C',
      textColor: '#000',
      menuBgColor: '#fff',
      textSelectedColor: '#fff',

πŸ“¦ Build Setup

# install dependencies
pnpm install

# start dev
pnpm run dev

# run css linting
pnpm run lint:css

# lint everything
pnpm run lint:all

# package lib
npm run rollup

πŸ”¨ Contributing

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

🧱 Built with


  • The project uses vite instead of @vue/cli. I choose vite for speed and i also believe vite will be the future.


Prabhu Murthy – @prabhumurthy2 – [email protected]

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.