
vue-indiesockets bringing websockets into vue.js

MIT License


Websocket wrapper for Vue (Client) and NodeJS (Server)

🤟 This plugin is inspired by


vue-indiesockets adds WebSocket capabilities to your Vue components and your NodeJS backend. It provides a thin wrapper around both client- and serverside WebSocket implementations handling all the logic required to send and receive data in real-time applications. It does NOT build on top of SocketIO (although it probably could) so there is no failover capability if Websockets are not supported by the client.


It´s the same package for both, server and client

npm install vue-indiesockets


Server side

On the backend side you have to pass an Websocket instance to the plugin. I developed it using ws but other implementations should work as well.

import {IndieSocketServer, IndieSocketClient} from "vue-indiesockets"
import WebSocket from "ws"

const server = new IndieSocketServer(new WebSocket.Server({
	port: 40001
}), false)

let messages = [] as any[]

server.on("_connected", (client: IndieSocketClient) => {

	client.send("chat", messages)
	client.on("message", (message) => messages.push({message: message, id: messages.length}))
	client.on("seen", (messageId) => messages.filter(m => = messageId).forEach(m => m.seen = true))

	client.on("_in", (data) => console.log("From client: " + data))


Client side (vue):


import {IndieSocket} from "vue-indiesockets"

Vue.use(new IndieSocket("ws://localhost:40001", {debug: false, autoReconnect: true}))

custom component

		<p>Connected: {{ this.$socket.connected }}</p>
		<p>{{ chat }}</p>
		<input v-model="chatMessage" />
		<button @click="$socket.send('message', chatMessag)" :disabled='chatMessage == ""'> Send </button>

<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";

export default Vue.extend({
	data: () => ({
		chatMessag: "",
		messages: []
	sockets: {
		chat(message) {

❓ Docs

Handlers (Vue and NodeJS) Handlers are defined in the sockets object in every Vue instance (see the example above)

Socket handler Description
_connected Websocket connected
_error Error occured
_in On every inbound message
_out On every outbound message
_io On every inbound and outbound message
_all Handles every event (in, out, error, connected, ect.)
_close When WebSocket connection is closed
{customHandlerName} Your custom handler. Called on appropriate inbound event

$Socket (Vue) The $socket object is available in vue on every vue instance.

Property Description
connected: boolean Indicates the connection state
send(event: string, any): void Sends data to the other party. Event defines which handler is called, data is what you want to pass*

IndieSocketClient (NodeJS) The IndieSocketClient is the counterpart to the $socket object in the Vue version.

Function Description
send(event: string, any) Sends data to the other party. Event defines which handler is called, data is what you want to pass*

❗ Appendix

  • The data can be anything. It is converted to JSON and back automatically. Please be aware that functions of an object get lost in this process