
Vue 3 codemod framework for SFC scripts, templates and styles

MIT License



vue-sfcmod is a framework for codemodding Vue 3 Single-File Components. It aims to support <script> codemods for both JavaScript and TypeScript with JSCodeshift, <template> codemods with the Vue compiler and <style> codemods with tools to be determined.

This project couldn't exist without the prior work done by vue-codemod. This repository started as a fork of vue-codemod. The decision to fork was made because:

  • vue-codemod appears to be unmaintained since 2021
  • vue-codemod supports both Vue 2 and Vue 3 whereas this project wants a smaller maintenance surface and only supports Vue 3
  • This project targets the whole of SFC files, not just JavaScript
  • vue-codemod ships and maintains transform scripts, whereas this project aims to provide a raw codemodding framework rather than pre-built codemods

This project also takes inspiration from vue-template-ast-to-template, a Vue 2 template stringifier. vue-sfcmod was rewritten from scratch to target Vue 3 ASTs, however.

Call for maintainers

I'm looking for co-maintainers with expertise on the Vue.js compiler. The lack of documentation on the compiler prevents me from fully implementing an API and stringifier for Vue codemodding. I have to reverse engineer the AST and figure out what's expected, and I run into occasional limitations that I believe are due to the compiler not being written with codemodding in mind.

I need help from someone with expertise in Vue.js internals and with the ability to push for change within the Vue compiler ecosystem if needed. There are limitations to what vue-sfcmod can do (described below in this README) that I can't work around without changes to the compiler to directly support rewriting an AST into source code. I am also stuck with codegen nodes, as part of their execution context is handled implicitly and they can't be passed to a JS codemodding engine as is without reconstructing the context (which I don't know how to do since the context isn't documented).

I can't justify the time it takes me to reverse engineer the AST to improve coverage, so I'm unlikely to keep improving the Vue API on my own. However, I remain committed to improving the CLI to support both codemodding and static analysis needs.


yarn add -D vue-sfcmod

Command Line Usage

To transform files, type the following command:

yarn vue-sfcmod <path> -t <transformation>
  • path (required) - files or directory to transform
  • transformation - path to a module exporting a transformation function (JS/TS only) or an object with transformation functions:
    • script key for <script>, <script setup> and JS/TS files
    • template for HTML <template>
    • style for CSS and <style> (not yet implemented)

With preset transformation

yarn vue-sfcmod <path>

The -t transformation parameter is optional. If unset, vue-sfcmod will launch an interactive prompt to let users select a preset transformation to run. To configure presets, create a configuration file as explained in the next section.

With multiple files or paths

yarn vue-sfcmod <path 1> <path 2> <path 3> -t <transformation>

You may pass as many paths as you like. Each is resolved using globby.

With transformation options

yarn vue-sfcmod <path> -t <transformation> --custom-flag --foo=value --bar value

You may pass custom CLI parameters that will be passed to transformation functions. Three syntaxes are supported:

  • --custom-flag without a value is mapped to { customFlag: true }
  • --foo=value is mapped to { foo: value }
  • --bar value is mapped to { bar: value }

Custom parameter names are converted to Pascal case in the object received by transformation functions. Check out the params example for a fully working example.

Other flags

  • vue-sfcmod --version prints the current version
  • vue-sfcmod --help prints usage documentation

--custom-opt [custom value, else customOpt will be true] [...add as many custom opts as wanted]`

Any CLI option you pass apart from --version, --help and -t will be passed to the script, style and template transformation functions in an object. For instance, if you pass --classes-to-add="foo bar", you'll receive { classesToAdd: 'foo bar' } as a third argument to your transformation functions.

Config File

To pass configuration options to vue-sfcmod, create a sfcmod.config.ts file at the root of your project. Below is a sample configuration file. You can also check out the full sample file.

import type { SfcmodConfig } from 'vue-sfcmod'

const config: SfcmodConfig = {
  // ...

export default config

This project uses cosmiconfig to read configuration files. Check the documentation for a full list of supported syntaxes and file names. TypeScript usage is recommended to get IDE autocompletion and type checking.


Array of paths to preset transformation files, that are proposed to end users in an interactive prompt when they don't pass a -t flag to the CLI.

string | { glob: string, name: (string) => string }

Each item in the array can either be a glob (resolved with globby), or an object with a glob property and a name property. The name property is a function called for each file matched by the glob. It receives the path as an input, and outputs a name used in the interactive prompt.

  presets: [
      // In this example, we use folder names as a name in the CLI.
      glob: './examples/**/transformation.cjs',
      name: (filePath: string) =>
          .replace(/\/transformation.cjs$/, '')

Programmatic API

To use vue-sfcmod programmatically, you may import the runTransformation function. It runs a transformation on a single file.

function runTransformation(
  fileInfo: {
    path: string
    source: string
  transformationModule: TransformationModule,
  options?: { [key: string]: unknown },
): string
  • fileInfo is the file to transform
    • fileInfo.path is used to distinguish Vue files from JS/TS files
    • fileInfo.source is the content of the file
  • transformationModule is the file containing the transformation to apply (matching the signature of the -t CLI option)
  • options is an arbitrary object of options passed to the transformation functions; it is optional

The function returns a string, containing the transformed content.

Known Limitations

Cannot combine v-text and children

Elements using the v-text directive and children are not supported. The Vue compiler does not compile children of elements that use the v-text directive, so we cannot provide the content of children.

Cannot transform v-html content

Content inside v-html directives is printed as is and cannot be transformed.

Cannot preserve comments inside transition

The built-in Vue transition component is returned by the Vue compiler without HTML comment children. Because the children are missing from the compiler AST, they cannot be recovered by vue-sfcmod. Upstream issue.

String style attributes are converted to JSON

When strings are passed to style attributes, it is converted to JSON (and deduplicated in the process). This is done by the Vue compiler, and attempting to undo that conversion could result in bugs in the template codemod engine.



  • Support applying jscodeshift codemods to .vue files
  • Support for TypeScript
  • Support <script setup>


  • Support <template> #15
  • Support passing parameters to template transformations
  • ongoing - Add an API to search for, edit, remove and inject nodes in template ASTs
  • Allow interpreting and modding JS expressions inside <template>


  • Support <style> #16
  • Support passing parameters to style transformations
  • Support :global, :slotted, etc
  • Support PostCSS and SCSS style tags

Project upkeep

  • Basic testing setup and a dummy CLI
  • Branch test coverage above 80%
  • Add working examples
  • Add semantic-release

Javascript/Typescript transformation


Template transformation

No API yet. You may manually modify the AST provided by the Vue SFC compiler.

Post Transformation

Running transformations will generally ruin the formatting of your files. A recommended way to solve that problem is by using Prettier or eslint --fix.