
Tiny form validation tool for Vue 3

MIT License


Vue Tiny Validator

Tiny validation library (<0.7K gzipped) without dependencies for Vue 3 that serves as building blocks. Inspired by vee-validate and vuetify's validation.

  • Non-intrusive in the way you build or style form components. It simply hooks the modelValue and gives you the error message to display.
  • Reset validation errors for a specific field or for the whole form.
  • Build your own rules as simple functions that return true or error message. You control everything, including i18n.
  • Supports asynchronous rules (e.g. checking if a field value already exists in DB).
  • Fully typed.


npm i vue-tiny-validator
# or
yarn add vue-tiny-validator


Parent component (form):

import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'
import { useForm } from 'vue-tiny-validator'

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const myValue = ref('')
    const { validate, errors } = useForm()

    const submit = () => {
      if (validate()) {
        // Validated, submit form
        // ...

      console.warn('Form errors!', errors.value)

    return { myValue, submit }
<form @submit.prevent="submit">
  <MyInput v-model="myValue" />

Child component (input):

import { defineComponent, watch } from 'vue'
import { useField } from 'vue-tiny-validator'

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'MyInput',
  props: {
    modelValue: {
      type: String,
      default: '',
  setup(props) {
    // Rules return `true` on success or a string with an error message on failure.
    const isRequired = (v) => !!v || 'Required!'

    const { validate, error } = useField({
      value: () => props.modelValue,
      rules: [isRequired],

    // Optionally validate it every time the model changes.
    // This could be debounced, or used in @blur event instead.
    watch(() => props.modelValue, validate)

    return { error }
    @input="$emit('update:modelValue', $"
  <span>{{ error }}</span>

See the example for more options.


Rules are simple functions that return true on success or an error message on failure. Examples:

const isRequired = (v) => !!v || 'Required'
const minLength = (v) => v?.length >= 3 || 'Min length 3'
const positiveNumber = (v) => v >= 1 || 'Only positive numbers'
const pattern = (v) => /^[a-z0-9_#]+$/i.test(v) || t('form.invalidPattern') // using vue-i18n

Async rules

Rules can also be asynchronous:

const isUnique = async (v) => {
  const response = await fetch(`/api/is-unique/${v}`)
  // Assuming API returns non-200 code when not unique
  return response.ok || 'Already in use'

In this case, you'll need to use validateAsync instead of validate:

const { validateAsync } = useForm()

const submit = async () => {
  if (await validateAsync()) {
    // valid, submit

  // invalid