
🔥 Find the latest breaking Vue3、Vue CLI 3+ & Vite News. (2021/2022/2023)

MIT License


Vue3+ & Vue-CLI3+

Star 2023

2023 (_ )_) 2023 -------------- 2024

2020/2021/2022 ( )ByeBye 2020 2023

Twitter vue3: vue 3 will be available by the end of Q2.(done)

Vue.js Vue.js 2021 05 22 w3ctech VueConf 2021 PPT & Video

2020 9 18 Vue Vue3.0 Vue3.0


The offical blog for the Vue.js project, The Vue Point.

Vue 3.0

Vue3 vue.js Vue.js web Star

(_ _)!

Vue CLI vue-cli @vue/cli vue-cli (1.x 2.x) npm uninstall vue-cli -g yarn global remove vue-cli

**Node **

Vue CLI Node.js 8.9 ( 8.11.0+) nvm nvm-windows Node

**Vue 3.0 **

Vue 3.0 Pre-Alpha AlphaBeta TypeScript Vue 3.0 98% Typescript 100% Vue 3 Vue 3 API Vue 2

yyx990803 yyx990803

3.3.4 (2023-05-18)

May 11, 2023 Announcing Vue 3.3 Today we're excited to announce the release of Vue 3.3 "Rurouni Kenshin"!

  • build: ensure correct typing for node esm (d621d4c)
  • build: fix DEV flag replacement edge case (8b7c04b), closes #8353
  • compiler-sfc: handle imported types from default exports (5aec717), closes #8355


v3.0.0 One Piece

Today we are proud to announce the official release of Vue.js 3.0 "One Piece". This new major version of the framework provides improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, better TypeScript integration, new APIs for tackling large scale use cases, and a solid foundation for long-term future iterations of the framework.

One Piece. Vuejs 3.0

**2020 **

** TypeScript**

2020-Q1-NewsTypeScript TypeScript 9102 TypeScript

  • JavaScript
  • IDE
  • ...



Vue Mastery Vue 3 Cheat Sheet

Vue3 Cheat Sheet Vue3 Cheat Sheet


Explore high-performance tooling for Vue

Vue Language Features Vue language support extension for VSCode TypeScript Vue Plugin VSCode extension to support Vue in TS server vue-tsc Type-check and dts build command line tool




like React hooks. Collection of essential Vue Composition API utils works for Vue 2.x and 3.x

Collection of essential Vue Composition API (inspired by react-use)

** Features**

  • 0 dependencies: No worry about your bundle size
  • Fully tree shakable: Only take what you want
  • Type Strong: Written in Typescript
  • Seamless migration: Works for both Vue 3 and 2
  • Browser compatible: Use it though CDN
  • Interactive docs & demos: Check out the Storybook!
  • Optional Add-ons: Firebase, vue-i18n, etc


vue3 ing

  • Proxy defineProperty
  • Performance Vue 2.0
  • Tree shaking support
  • Composition API API
  • Fragment, Teleport, SuspenseTeleport Protal
  • Better TypeScript support Ts
  • Custom Renderer API API


  • 1 Docs & Migration Guides
  • 2 Router
  • 3 Vuex
  • 4 CLI
  • 5 vite
  • 6 vue-test-utils
  • 7 DevTools
  • 8 IDE Support (Vetur)
  • 9 Nuxt

Vue.js Vue-next Vue.js vue

Announcing Vue 3.3

Vue3.3 Rurouni Kenshin DX TypeScript ...

2021 => ()

, , , .

, , , ...

2020( )ByeBye

vue => Q3 2020

3.0: Release Management

  • Regression testing for 3.0

  • Automated nightly release

  • Formalize release lifecycle

  • setup CLA process

    3.0: IE11 compat build 3.0 Official Release


  • Backport compatible 3.x features to 2.x

  • Deprecation warnings for 3.x changes

  • This will be the last minor release for 2.x and be offered as LTS (long-term support) for 18 months. It will continue to receive critical security updates even after the LTS period.

Vue 3 Deep Dive with Evan You - Vue Mastery Vue3

= vue = vue = vue = vue

=> vue3 A Vue.js 3.0 UI Library

** Vue 2 Vue 3 **

  • vue3 01
  • vue3 02
  • vue3 -03
  • vue3 -04 Template Syntax template
  • vue3 05 Computed (property)
  • vue3 -06 Class and Style Bindings
  • vue3 -07 Conditional Rendering
  • vue3 -08 List Rendering


vue3.0 Composition API

vue3.0 Composition API vue3.0 Composition API vue vue3.0 Composition API vue-router vue3.0 Composition API setup () vue3.0 Composition API setup () vue3.0 Composition API setup () vue3.0 Composition API setup () computed vue3.0 Composition API vue3.0 Composition API vue slot vue3.0 Composition API vue3.0 Composition API

/ vue-next

vue-next Vue3.0 Vue3.0 Vue3.0 Composition API Vue3.0 Ref vs. Reactive Vue3.0 render Vue3.0 vue-next Vue3.0 Props Vue3.0 Vue3.0 API watch,computed

What you will love in Vue 3 Prepare yourself for what to expect in Vue 3 with Alex Kyriakidis' presentation from the Vue.js Amsterdam conference.

GitHub - vuejs/vite: Make Web Dev Fast Again Vite is an opinionated web dev build tool that serves your code via native ES Module imports during dev and bundles it with Rollup for production.

Vue.js 3 Course - Composition API, TypeScript, Testing Vue.js 3 introduces some changes to the Async Component API - find out the changes, and how you can use Async Components with Webpack 5's bundle splitting to make your apps load faster than ever.

The case for HOC vs The Composition API In this article Abdelrahman compares Higher-Order Components (using scoped-slots?content_source_url= with the upcoming Composition API. I especially enjoyed the Vee-Validate v4 comparison. Check it out!

Vuetensils 0.6: Simpler Forms, Better Accessibility, & Useful Filters! The latest version of Vuetensils has some really cool features: improvements to form authoring, accessibility updates, and new filters to make life easier.

GitHub - vuejs/vitepress GitHub - Akryum/vue-mention GitHub - alvarosaburido/vue-dynamic-forms


vue3 beta

( 3 )



- (__)



I_am_a_placeholder_placeholder_placeholder nothing
vue3 typescript, , typescript;, ;, ;, ;, (namespace);
Vue 3.0 11 14 -16 VueConf TO 2018 Vue 3.0 Updates Vue 3.0
Vue 3.0 Vue Function API Vue Vue 3.0 RFCFunction-based component API Vue 2.0 pluginvue-function-api Vue 3.0 Function-based component API vue-function-api
Vue 3.0 TypeScript TypeScript , TypeScript , 9 TypeScript .
Vue CLI 3.x 2.x cli3
Vue 3.0 RFC API Vue3.0 RFC Vue RFC API Vue Function API RFC API RFC 3.0 API
Vue.js 3function-based API Vue.js 3 RFCrequest for function-api Vue
Vue 3.0 Composition API Vue Composition API RFC Vue 3.0 RFC Composition API @vue/composition-api TODO LIST Composition API
vue-cli 3.0 HuilderX,sublimetext3vscodewebstorm hb vscode
vue-cli 3.0 npm run serve localhost:8080 index.html app.vue router.js path'/'




1Vue CLI 3 vue+vuex

Vue CLI Vue.js CLI@vue/cli npm vue vue create vue serve vue ui CLI @vue/cli-service

2Vue.js 2 vs Vue.js 3

vue.js Vue3 API


vue3.0 cli3

4Vue.js 3.0 PPT

Evan You Vue 3 Vue Toronto


3.x vue

6Vue 3.0

ue 3.0

7Vue-cli 3.0

Vue 3.0

8Vue CLI 3.0

Vue Medium Vue CLI 3.0

9Vue.js 3.0

Vue.js Vue

10Vue Vue CLI 2&3 CDN + Gzip + Prerender

Vue CLI 2 Vue CLI 3 , Vue CLI 2 Vue CLI 3 webpack vue-cli3-optimization Sass loader Sass mixin @import

11Vue CLI 3

webpack facebook/create-react-app NPM

12 Vue Vue CLI 3.0

Vue CLI 3.0 Vue CLI 3.0 Vue InfoQ

13 Vue 3.0

Vue.js Vue 9 30 medium Vue 3.0

(@bluezhan) --- 3.0


Released under the MIT License.