


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

Out of the box Vue functionality. Automatically fixes issues when it can, and includes context.

npm run lint

This custom one uses eslint directly, and doesn't automatically fix issues.

npm run eslint

Jest testing

npm run test
npm run test:coverage

For the coverage report:

  • % Stmts = percent of statements called
  • % Branch = percent of if/switch branches that have been checked
  • % Funcs = percent of functions called
  • % Lines = percent of lines covered
  • Uncovered Line #s = exactly what it sounds like

Check for specific issues

npm run lint | grep require-returns

Generate Docs

This requires that npm install --global typedoc http-server. See

npm run docs

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.