
A full stack management application for proposing and voting movies for cyclical movie events

GPL-3.0 License



A full stack management application for voting movies for cyclic movie events.


  • account-registration with email verification
  • users can vote, add and remove movies
  • users can manage own profile
  • clean and responsive Bootstrap-UI
  • 100% usable without client (via REST-API)
  • multi lang support (currently english and german)
  • automatic management of voted movies around movie events
  • automatic notifications for movie events with the list of interested users


  1. You need node.js installed (version 18.12.1 or newer).
  2. Download the newest version of the code
  3. Rename the .env file from .env.tmp to .env
  4. Open the configuration file (now .env) and set values (see config-section below).
  5. Build the project with npm run build:all
  6. Run the server with npm run start:prod


The configuration file is located in the root directory of the project and is called .env. It will be validated on startup via the Joi library. To see the validation schema, see the config.validation.ts file.


This project support multiple languages and already has english (en) and german (de) implemented. The clients language is changeable via a html select element. The backend language reacts on the Accept-Language header. The localisation files are located in the locales folder in src of the different projects! To add a language, simply add a new localisation files in client and backend plus create a new option in the client select! The default language is always english!


This project is 100% usable without client via a REST-API! The routes start with the prefix /api (e.g. http://[::1]:3000/api). The api is documented with Swagger at /docs/api route of the website (e.g. http://[::1]:3000/docs/api).


This small guide assumes, that you have already some knowledge about node.js and the used frameworks. The whole project is written in Typescript.

WatchVote (Backend)

The backend uses the NestJS framework to handle the REST-API with all its corresponding services. It is also documented with compodoc at /docs/backend route of the website (e.g. http://[::1]:3000/docs/backend). This project (/src folder) is dived into 3 main parts: The routes (controllers) to handle incoming requests; a common section with lots of usefully functions and classes to support the other parts; and type definitions for internal data structures and data transmission objects (dto's).

To run the backend in development mode, you need to npm install the dependencies and run npm run start:dev in the root folder of the project. Note, that the client has to be built via npm run build:client because the client is only statically served from the /client/dist folder. So every change in the client has to be built to show up in the backend project. Also note, that the database should also be built (see WatchVote-DB below). The backend can generate docs as static website by run npm run build:docs and shown by npm run start:docs. The backend itself can be build with npm run build. The build files are located in the /dist folder. The npm run build:all command can be used to build everything in with just one step.

WatchVote-Client (Frontend)

The frontend uses the Vue.js framework to handle the user interface. It can be found in the /client folder.

The frontend uses the Vue Router defined in /client/src/router folder to handle the navigation between the different pages as singe page application. The router shows different view components depending on the current route. These view components are defined in the /client/src/views folder. Some views use special components defined in the /client/src/components folder.

To run the client in development mode, you need to npm install the dependencies and run npm run dev in the /client folder. But in this mode, the backend is disabled and the website cannot interact with any backend route. To build the client for production, you need to run npm run build in the /client folder. The build files are located in the /client/dist folder.

WatchVote-DB (Database)

The database use Prisma as ORM to handle the database connection and management. Its database schema is defined in the /prisma folder. Which database is used under the hood can be defined in the .env file.

The scheme can be formatted with npx prisma format in /prisma folder. A database can be created via npx prisma migrate dev from /prisma folder or npm run build:db from root folder.