
A set of Webpack plugins, loaders and utilities designed for advanced dependency resolution

MIT License



Webpack Dependency Suite

A set of loaders, plugins and utilities designed to help with adding custom dependencies to your project.





This plugin allows customisation of the modules that are invalidated as a result of a change to another module.

By default it will invalidate all modules that share the name as a changed module except for the extension, e.g. if ./index.js was changed and ./index.html was watched, then ./index.html would be invalidated and rebuild.

It is possible to pass in a function to implement a custom invalidation rule instead; the function will be given two arguments, an array of changed modules and an array of all watched modules and should return an array of additional modules which should be invalidated (which should not generally include the changed modules, as they will already be rebuild).

The plugin is used by adding it to the webpack config plugins, e.g.

const { ConventionInvalidatePlugin } = require('webpack-dependency-suite');

const config = {
  // rest of the config somewhere in here
  plugins: {
    // Default behaviour
    new ConventionInvalidatePlugin(),

    // Customised behaviour
    new ConventionInvalidatePlugin((changed, watched) => {
      return [/* list of additional invalidated modules */];

Other Plugins


Parts of the Suite

require.include loaders

These are a bit like baggage-loader but more configurable and advanced.

  • comment-include-loader:
    /* @import */ 'module'
    /* @import @lazy @ */ 'module'
    /* @import('thing\/*\/also\/works') @lazy @ */ 'module' // <<- globs will not work in comments cause of /**/ unless you escape slashes
  • conventional-include-loader (include related files according to passed in function(fs)) [eg. like-named require loader for .html files]
  • template require loader
    (and others - configurable?)
    ${} globbing by:
    - splitting path by '/'
    - find first component where * is
    - resolve previous one || contextDir
    - get all files recursively
    - split their paths '/'
    - add all that match the regex
  • explicit loader:
    adds all dependencies listed in a JSON file to a given, individual file (entry?)
    expose a method to check if a path should override/add loaders by query configuration
  • note: globbed paths MUST include extensions

Resolve Plugins

  • resolve plugin for trying nested directories auto-resolve stuff (e.g. Aurelia's /dist/es2015)
  • resolve plugin to use root module from node_modules if version range satisfied

Normal Use Plugins

  • mapped relative moduleId plugin
    sets ModuleID:
    - use relative to any of config.modules (node_modules, app)
    - no JS extensions
    - rewrite paths for aurelia (strip /dist/node_modules/)
    - strip nested node_modules/.../node_modules
    - just do: package_name/request
    - for /index do package_name
    - name loader-based modules with a prefix: LOADER!NAME
    - aurelia loader checks cache for normal module name, then for async!NAME
    sets module.id relative to configured directory
    optionally keeps extension (.js .ts)

Development / Debugging

There are two scripts that are setup already:

  • npm run dev

    • will run the same configuration instead with webpack-dev-server for live reload
  • npm run build

    • will simply execute a webpack build in the repo
  • npm run debug

    • will run the same build with node debugger.
    • paste provided link in Chrome (or Canary), and you will have the super incredible ChromeDevTools to step through your code for learning, exploration, and debugging.

Helpful resources:


The repository is based on the fantastic webpack-developer-kit by TheLarkInn, inspired by blacksonics.