
A template to create UserScripts using TypeScript and Webpack. Mirrored from https://gitlab.com/MysteryBlokHed/webpack-ts-userscript

MIT License



A template to create UserScripts using TypeScript and Webpack.

Customizing the template

Changing UserScript info

The UserScript's name, description, version, and author are all retrieved from the project's package.json. Anything else such as the site to match and the grants are changed from the Webpack Config.

There's a call to genBanner that can be used to change the values added to the banner. To add a single value, add a string key and value. To add multiple values for the same key (eg. multiple @match's), use an array as the value.


const banner = genBanner({
  name: 'my-userscript',
  version: '0.1.0',
  match: ['*://example.com/*', 'https://*.foo.com/bar*'],

/* Above example becomes: */
// ==UserScript==
// @name        my-userscript
// @version     0.1.0
// @match       *://example.com/*
// @match       https://*.foo.com/bar*
// ==/UserScript==

Creating a release commit

To create a commit for a release version, run pnpm run release. This will re-build the UserScript in production mode, add all files with git add ., and prompt you to add a version to the commit message. You can then create a new tag and release for your project with an optimized UserScript.



Building this project requires Node.js and pnpm. To install dependencies, run:

pnpm install

Building files

To build the project, run:

pnpm run build

To automatically build when a source file is modified, run:

pnpm run dev

Building will result in JavaScript files in the build/ directory (these can be ignored) and a file ending in .user.js in the root of the project. This is the built UserScript.


Open the UserScript from the repository as raw with a UserScript extension installed, and you should be prompted to install it. You can install a locally built version by dragging and dropping the file into a new browser tab.


This project was created from a template licensed under the MIT license (LICENSE or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).