
Use wechaty-puppet-padlocal chat with gpt3

ISC License



Use wechaty-puppet-padlocal chat with gpt3



Get your OpenAI API keys for ChatGPT

Configure Environment Variables

You can copy the template config.yaml.example into a new file config.yaml, and paste the configurations:

openaiApiKey: "<your_openai_api_key>"
openaiOrganizationID: "<your_organization_id>"
chatgptTriggerKeyword: "<your_keyword>"
padLocalToken: "<your pad_local_token>"

Or you can export the environment variables listed in .env.sample to your system, which is a more encouraged method to keep your OpenAI API Key safe:

export PAD_LOCAL_TOKEN="adsfasdfasdfasdfas"

Please note:

  • chatgptTriggerKeyword is the keyword which can trigger auto-reply:
    • In private chat, the message starts with it will trigger auto-reply
    • In group chat, the message starts with @Name <keyword> will trigger auto-reply (Here @Name means "@ the bot" in the group chat)
  • chatgptTriggerKeyword can be empty string, which means:
    • In private chat, every messages will trigger auto-reply
    • In group chat, only "@ the bot" will trigger auto-reply
  • padLocalToken means token for login with wechat:
    • Get token from Padlocal,get 7 day free try
    • Remove the puppet_padlocal_ prefix

Make it run


npm install


npm run dev

Login your WeChat

Once you deploy the bot successfully, just follow the terminal or Logs in Docker container prompt carefully:

  1. Please use the mainland China cell phone number registered WeChat
  2. Scan the QR Code with mobile WeChat
  3. Click "Log in" in phone to allow desktop login (where our bot stays)
  4. Wait a few seconds and start chatting!

🤖 Enjoy your powerful chat bot! 🤖

Acknowledgement & Features


This project is implemented based on:

But more stable and robust connection to GPT3 and Wechat.

Any Fancy Advanced Settings?

Config ChatGPT Models

You can change whatever ChatGPT Models you like to handle task at different capability & time-consumption trade-off. (e.g. model with better capability costs more time to respond)

Currently, we use the latest text-davinci-003 model, which is:

Most capable GPT-3 model. Can do any task the other models can do, often with higher quality, longer output and better instruction-following. Also supports inserting completions within text.

Also, for the same model, we can configure dozens of parameter. (e.g. answer randomness, maximum word limit...)

You can configure all of them in src/chatgpt.js:

const ChatGPTModelConfig = {
  // this model field is required
  model: "text-davinci-003",
  // add your ChatGPT model parameters below
  temperature: 0.9,
  max_tokens: 2000,

For more details, please refer to OpenAI Models Doc.

Config ChatGPT Features

You can change whatever ChatGPT features you like to handle different types of tasks. (e.g. complete text, edit text, generate image...)

Currently, we use createCompletion() to generate or manipulate text for daily usage, which:

Creates a completion for the provided prompt and parameters

You can configure in src/chatgpt.js:

const response = await this.OpenAI.createCompletion({
  prompt: inputMessage,

Of course you can ask how to edit text in current mode, but the outcome may fall short of expectations.

For more details, please refer to OpenAI API Doc.

Config Auto Reply in Error

When ChatGPT encounters some errors (e.g. over-crowded traffic, no authorization, ...), the chat bot will auto-reply the pre-configured message.

You can change it in src/chatgpt.js:

const chatgptErrorMessage = "机器人摆烂了,请稍后再试~";

Add Customized Task Handler

You can add your own task handlers to expand the ability of this chat bot!

Currently, add task handler in src/main.ts:

// e.g. if a message starts with "Hello", the bot sends "World!"
if (message.text().startsWith("Hello")) {
  await message.say("World!");

Of course, stuffing all handlers in main function is really a BAD habit in coding. As a result, we will fix this in future updates to do logic separation.


wechaty-puppet-padlocal-gpt3 is available under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for more info.