
A human-readable Solana transaction explorer powered by Helius.

MIT License


Relevant Links

πŸ”— Link: https://xray.helius.xyz/

πŸŽ₯ Demo: https://www.loom.com/share/402a4397ebd1403f8f4b7df8f024e9b8

🐀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/xray_explorer

πŸ’¬ Discord: https://discord.gg/HjummjUXgq


🀝 Contribute

  • Fork XRAY onto your own GitHub
  • Clone it and make sure you're on the dev branch.
  • Create a new branch named [initials]/[feature] off of dev. Example q/added-a-cool-thing.

Create PR

When you're ready for your changes to be reviewed, create a PR with your new branch to be merged into the dev branch on the official repo.

Pro Tip (Draft PR)

If you're working on something and want to share the progress but aren't ready for merge, click the little arrow next to "Create PR" and chose "draft".

Then when you're ready to create the PR, click "Ready for review".


To save time, run tests locally, but they will also run on all PRs to dev and main. Tests will need to be passing for your changes to be merged.

Auto merge dev -> main**

Once changes are approved and merged into dev, they will be assumed as good and auto merged to main. From here they can be deployed by merging to either the vercel/staging or vercel/prod branches.

[Temp] Auto merge main -> vercel/staging

For now we are auto deploying everything in main to staging.

πŸƒπŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Runbook

This is a TurboRepo monorepo that can run and build all apps/packages in parallel. Apps like the UI are located in /apps. Packages used across apps are located in /packages.

Recommended VSCode Extensions

Tech Stack

Setup Environment

In the root of the project, create a .env file with the values mentioned in .env.template.


Run the install command from the root of the project to install dependencies for all apps and packages.

npm install


Start all packages and apps in dev mode which watches for changes and adds your local environment.

npm run dev


It's recommended you use VSCode beacuase if you do, ESLint is setup to auto fix/format as you're working.

npm run lint


Formats files based on the Prettier and ESlint settings.

npm run format


Tests the code, determines if it should be allowed to merge. We recommend running this locally before creating PRs.

npm run test


Build all apps and packages for production.

npm run build

Build Local Environment

Build all apps and packages for production using your .env file.

npm run build:env

πŸš€ Deployments

Environment Description Directory
Production The main deployment attached to the domain. vercel/prod https://xray.helius.xyz/
Staging Staging branch based on contents of vercel/staging https://xray-web-git-vercel-staging-helius.vercel.app/

πŸ“¦ Packages

Name Description Directory
@helius-labs/xray-web SvelteKit app with UI and backend endpoints. apps/web
@helius-labs/xray-proton Parses transaction data to produce UI state. packages/xray-proton
@helius-labs/xray-database [WIP] Prisma client used for communicating with database. packages/xray-database

πŸ“± @helius-labs/xray-web

A SvelteKit app that contains the main XRAY UI.

Important Files & Folders

πŸ“ ./src/lib Common components, utilities, and libraries used throughout the app. Import things from this directory using the $lib/ alias.
πŸ“ ./src/lib/trpc The tRPC server which has all of our backend endpoints. See trpc/routes.
πŸ“ ./src/lib/components Shared components used throughout the app.
πŸ“ ./src/lib/trpc The tRPC server which has all of our backend endpoints.
πŸ“ ./src/lib/types Global types
πŸ“ ./src/lib/configs Config definitions for things like the icons, modals, and generating other types.
πŸ“./src/routes Any +page or +server file in this directory becomes a page or an endpoint based on the folder structure.
πŸ“./static A place to put any static assets. The files in this directory are hosted at the root of the domain. When using images, try to import them in the <script> vs put them in ./static when you can help it.
πŸ“„./app.postcss Initialize/config Tailwind + global styles.
πŸ“„./app.html The top level HTML template that wraps all pages. Routes are injected into the %sveltekit.body% tag.


/ Home
/api REST endpoints (This is mostly replaces by tRPC now)
/[search] From the home page, users can navigate to /anything which attempts to resolve the search and then redirect them to /[search]/tx, /[search]/wallet, or /[search]/token based on the search.
/[search]/tx Details about a particular transaction where [search] is a transaction signature.
/[search]/wallet Details about a particular wallet where [search] is a public key.
/[search]/token Details about a particular token where [search] is a token mint address.

Vercel Config

Build Command cd ../.. && npx turbo run build --filter=web...
Output Director apps/web/.svelte-kit
Install Command npm install --prefix=../..


TailwindCSS is used for base utilies and DaisyUI contains helpful UI components.


See list of available icons in $lib/config.

Use Icons

    import Icon from "$lib/components/icon.svelte";

<Icon id="paper-plane">

Add Icons

  1. Find the icon you want on IconMon. Most of these should render fine.
  2. Click "Embed" -> "Inline" and copy only the <path>.
  3. Add a new key to $lib/config.ts that is similar to the Icon Monsters name for the icon and add your <path>.

State Management


πŸ“¦ @helius-labs/xray

A package that includes our parser, which helps make blockchain data pretty for the UI, and search function.

Important Files & Folders

πŸ“„./src/lib/parser/index.ts UI calls the function in this file to parse transactions
πŸ“„./src/lib/parser/types.ts Contains the types, interfaces, and enums needed to understand to work on the parser.
πŸ“./src/lib/parser/parsers Contains all parser methods.
πŸ“„./src/lib/parser/parsers/index.ts Exports parser files in ./src/parsers.
πŸ“„./src/lib/parser/parsers/unknown.ts If there is no dedicated parser file for a Helius transaction type, they are parsed in this file. Changing the label on the UI is in ./apps/web/src/lib/config.ts.
πŸ“./src/lib/parser/utils Utility functions for the parser functions
πŸ“„./src/lib/search.ts The function that resolves search inputs to a URL parameter.

πŸ“¦ @helius-labs/xray-database [WIP]

A database for saving metadata like transaction views or user details.