
Unity Framework for Game Development

MIT License


Lunar Framework

Lunar Framework is a set of tools and patterns for Unity3D development. It's designed to make the development process easier and more efficient.

Table of Contents


Unity Package Manager

  1. Open the Unity Package Manager by selecting Window > Package Manager.
  2. Click the + button in the top-left corner and select Add package from git URL....
  3. Enter the git URL and click Add.




To manage the navigation of the UI with the Navigator by following these steps:

  1. Create a new game object and attach the Navigator component to it.
  2. Set the root Widget you want to show first when the game starts (Root widget is a game object that has a component of the subclass of the Widget or StatefulWidget).
  3. [Optional] Set the root canvas if you want to use the Navigator in a different canvas. If you don't set the root canvas, the Navigator will find it automatically.

Push a widget

public void OnSettingsButtonClicked()  

Navigator.Push method will push a Widget to the top of the navigation stack and the widget will be instantiated and added to the root canvas.

This generic method takes a type of subclass of the Widget class as a parameter.

[!NOTE] A widget type should only have one prefab that corresponds to it. Any prefab with a Widget component will automatically be registered in the Widgets prefab database (if addressables package is installed, the prefab will be registered as an addressable asset, otherwise it will be registered as a scriptable object resource).

Pop a widget

Pop current widget by calling the Navigator.Pop method. The top widget will be removed from the navigation stack and destroyed.

void Update()
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) 

Alternatively, you can pop a widget by calling the Navigator.PopUntil<Target> or Navigator.PopToRoot method to pop widgets until a specific widget or the root widget.

Pass data

View -> Subview

You can use a lambda callback to pass data to the widget. The callback will be executed after the widget is instantiated.

public void OnBlueButtonClick()
    Navigator.Push<RouletteGameView>(async (view) => {
        // Basically, you can pass data to the widget by setting corresponding properties directly.
        // You can also use UniTask to pass data at the next frame if you want to do something after the widget is enabled.
        /* await UniTask.NextFrame(); */
        view.RouletteData = Data;

[!NOTE] The callback will be executed before the widget is enabled, so you should initialize the widget in Awake method.

Subview -> View

Basically, you can pass data back to the previous widget by using the Navigator.Pop method.

public void OnExitButtonClick()

Then you can get the data from the previous widget by casting the return value of the Navigator.Push method.

public async void OnClickSettingsButton()  
    var data = await Navigator.Push<RouletteSettingsView>() as string;
    // Following code will be executed after the SettingsView pop.

View <-> Subview

public async void OnEditButtonClick()
    // Create a new roulette and let the user edit it.
    var roulette = new RouletteData();
    roulette.title = "New Roulette";
    roulette.sectors = new List<RouletteSector>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        roulette.sectors.Add(new RouletteSector()
            content = $"Roulette {i}",
            weight = 1,
            color = Color.HSVToRGB(1.0f / 8 * i, 0.5f, 1f),
    // Open edit view with a new roulette.
    var result = await Navigator.Push<RouletteEditView>((view) => {
        view.Data = roulette;
    }) as RouletteData;
    // Add edited new roulette to front.
    if (result != null)
        roulettes.Insert(0, result);


You can have a new navigator anywhere with a game object as root to adapt old code.

void Start()


Define some events in a class as static fields.

public static class MyEvents
    public static Event TestEvent = new();
    public static Event<(string a, string b)> TestArgumentEvent = new();
    public static Event<(string a, string b)> TestFilteredEvent = new() {
        filter = (sender, receiver, args) => false

Subscribe and unsubscribe to the event in a class.

public class EventSubscriber : MonoBehaviour
    private void OnEnable()
        MyEvents.TestEvent += OnEvent;
        MyEvents.TestArgumentEvent += OnEvent;
        MyEvents.TestFilteredEvent += OnEvent;
    private void OnDisable()
        MyEvents.TestEvent -= OnEvent;
        MyEvents.TestArgumentEvent -= OnEvent;
        MyEvents.TestFilteredEvent -= OnEvent;

    private void OnEvent(object sender) { }
    private void OnEvent(object sender, (string a, string b) args) { }

Trigger the event in another class.

public class EventTrigger : MonoBehaviour
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            MyEvents.TestArgumentEvent.Invoke(this, ("Hello", "World"));
            MyEvents.TestFilteredEvent.Invoke(this, ("Hello", "Filtered World"));


Object Pool

Get an object from the pool

You can get an object from the pool by calling the ObjectPool.Get method easily. The method will return an object from the pool if there is an available inactive object in the pool. Otherwise, it will instantiate a new object from the prefab.

private async void Shoot(GameObject bulletPrefab)
  GameObject bulletObject = ObjectPool.Get(bulletPrefab);
  bulletObject.SetActive(true); // <- **Important** to activate the object
  // align to gun barrel/muzzle position
  bulletObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(muzzlePosition.position, muzzlePosition.rotation);
  // move projectile forward
  var rigidbody = bulletObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
  rigidbody.velocity =;
  rigidbody.angularVelocity =;
  rigidbody.AddForce(bulletObject.transform.forward * muzzleVelocity, ForceMode.Acceleration);
  // turn off after a few seconds
  await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
  bulletObject.SetActive(false); // <- **Important** set inactive to return to the pool




This attribute is used to monitor the changes of a field in Unity Editor. The method will be invoked when the field is changed. It will add a callback to the field. The callback will be invoked when the field value is changed.

// Change the color of the mesh renderer when the intensity is changed.

[SerializeField, OnChanged(nameof(OnColorChange))]
public Color color;

public void OnColorChange() 
    if (meshRenderer == null)
        ChangeColor(GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(), color, intensity);    
    else ChangeColor(meshRenderer, color, intensity);

private void ChangeColor(MeshRenderer meshRenderer, Color color, float intensity)
    foreach (var material in meshRenderer.materials)
        if (material.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION"))
            material.SetColor(PropertyName, color * intensity);
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