
Lightweight socket server framework for talking with Unity game engine project

MIT License


Pixie is a lightweight framework for building server side for Unity game engine project. It's not intended for real time multiplayer, but rather for message exchange in some kind of match making system, or turn based multiplayer.

The main idea of this project, is to build ready-to-use infrastructure, similar to HTTP frameworks, like "Ruby on Rails", "Laravel" or "ASP.NET MVC" for building socket-based applications, talking to Unity clients.

Quick start

Let's assume you have Unity project, that wants to connect to some server, and send message to other clients connected to it. Some kind of simple chat if you wish. First of all, we should build library with messages, that will be shared between Unity project code base and server code base. Messages may look like this:

//Message sent from client to server
public struct ServerMessageSaySomething {
    public string Content;

//Message sent from server to client
public struct ClientMessageSaySomething {
    public string Content;
    public string Author;

After that, let's inherit PXServer by some new class:

class MyServer : PXServer
    //Here we should create service provider (we'll look at ones later)
    protected override IPXServiceProvider[] GetServiceProviders() {
        return new IPXServiceProvider[] {
            new MyServiceProvider(),

Service providers, are classes that should fill our system with logic, in our case - register message handler class:

class MyServiceProvider : IPXServiceProvider
    //OnRegister of every service provider is called in the very beginning
    public void OnRegister(IContainer container) {
        //we want socket server to run on port 7777
        container.Endpoints().RegisterSockerServer("", 7777)
        //we'll write MessageHandlerSaySomething class later

    //after every provider OnRegister method executed, OnInitialize method of every SP should be called,
    //so we can be sure that in OnInitialize every service is registered already
    public void OnInitialize(IContainer container) {}

Let's see what MessageHandlerSaySomething consists of:

class MessageHandlerSaySomething : PXMessageHandlerBase<ServerMessageSaySomething>
    public override void Handle(ServerMessageSaySomething data) {
        //this.context is current message handling scoped central DryIoc container,
        //you're about to take all needed services from it.
        //Here we use some extension shortcuts to Sender and Client,
        //you can make your own, or use pure DryIoc Resolve
        var sender = this.context.Sender();
        var client = this.context.Client();
            new ClientMessageSaySomething() { Content = data.Content, Author = client.Id }

At last, we can start our server, e.g. from Main:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        (new MyServer()).StartSync();

So what about Unity side, first of all we should import package PixieUnity.unitypackage (or install client code somehow else, see link for details).

Now we're adding PXUnityClient component to some game object. It has fields to be configured:

  • serverHost: hostname or ip of our server
  • serverPort: port our server is listening to
  • eventKeepers: here we should add all game objects containing message handler components

At this point, shared messages library should be imported to Unity project, as we remember, it contains ClientMessageSaySomething structure, that is to be received from server. To make it happen, we should create message handler component:

public class ClientSaySomethingMessageHandler : PXUnityMessageHandlerBase<ClientMessageSaySomething>
    public class MessageReceivedEvent : UnityEvent<ClientMessageSaySomething> { }

    //this field name is requred to be "messageReceivedEvent", as it called over reflection
    public MessageReceivedEvent messageReceivedEvent;

As you can guess, messageReceivedEvent event is called on receiving ClientMessageSaySomething, so we need to attach some method to that event:

public class SaySomethingLogicBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    public void OnSaySomething(ClientMessageSaySomething message) {
        Debug.Log($"{message.Author}: {message.Content}");

And, in the end we're about to make message sending from client, we can organize method calling in any way we want, but sending itself is going to be something like this:

public class SenderBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    private PXUnityClient client; //here we should attach our PXUnityClient, mentioned above

    public void SendMessage(string message) {
        client.SendMessage(new ServerMessageSaySomething() { Content = message });

That's it! We've made a simple chat with Pixie framework. If you're going to dive into some more topics, we'll talk about:

  • making command line interface (CLI) commands to be able to interact with our running server (guide in development)
  • scheduling jobs, to handle some heavy tasks in background, or just tasks, fireing not at the time of some message handling (e.g. cron scheduled) (guide in development)
  • working with database over entity framework core, how link it with Pixie based server using middlewares and how to deal with middlewares in general (guide in development)


If you have any question, suggestion, or just anything to say about project, please open an issue, also if you wish to have some more friendly way of communicating (e.g. spectrum chat community), please also open an issue with suitable description. I'll appreciate any kind of feedback :)


  • DryIoc - used as dependency injection mechanism, framework is based on.
  • Newtonsoft.Json - used for message encoding/decoding + environment parameters reading.
  • Quartz - used for jobs scheduling.


Pixie is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.