
Gum is a collection of tools focusing mainly on game development with the goal of getting rid of the boilerplate code.

MIT License



Gum is a collection of tools focusing mainly on game development with the goal of getting rid of the boilerplate code.

Table Of Contents

Trusted By

GoArt Metaverse Roof Stacks Gleam Games

You can create a pull request or email me directly to display your game/company here [email protected]


Unity Installation

Add this to the Packages\manifest.json

"scopedRegistries": [
        "name": "NPM",
        "url": "",
        "scopes": [


 "dependencies": {
    "com.erkerkiii.gum":  "1.0.22"

Nuget Installation

Nuget packages are available for C# projects. Installation with the dotnet CLI:

dotnet add package Gum.Core
dotnet add package Gum.Composer
dotnet add package Gum.Pooling
dotnet add package Gum.Signal
dotnet add package Gum.WebRequest

⚠️ Nuget installation doesn't include any Unity features.


This is a very basic implementation of the pooling system.

PoolBuilder<Foo> poolBuilder = new PoolBuilder<Foo>();
IPool<Foo> pool = _poolBuilder
                .SetPoolType(PoolType.Stack) //this is the default pool type
                .FromPoolableInstanceProvider(new FooInstanceProvider())
                .WithInitialSize(10) //this is 0 by default

Alternatively, you can use FromMethod

IPool<Foo> pool = _poolBuilder

Pool usage

Foo foo = pool.Get(); //gets an object from the pool, if it doesn't exists it creates one

public class Foo : IPoolable
    public event Action OnReturnToPoolRequested;

    public void Reset()
        //reset object's values   

    public void Erase()
        //delete the object

Pool usage with Unity's MonoBehaviour

public class Foo : MonoBehaviour, IPoolable
    public event Action OnReturnToPoolRequested;

    public Reset()
    public void ReturnToPool()

    public void Erase()
        if(this == null) //to avoid race conditions with Unity's object life-time

PoolCollection<TKey, TValue> usage

PoolBuilder<Foo> poolBuilder = new PoolBuilder<Foo>();
//configuring the builder
          .FromPoolableInstanceProvider(new FooInstanceProvider())

PoolCollection<int, Foo> poolCollection = new PoolCollection<int, Foo>(poolBuilder);

int key = 0;

Foo foo = _poolCollection.Get(key); //gets an object from the pool with the specific key, creates one if the pool is empty


  1. Go to Gum.Composer\Aspects
  2. Create a file with extension ".gum"
  3. Start typing your aspect
  4. Run the codegen using CompositionCodeGenerator.Run() or use editor tool for calling codegen.

NOTE: Editor tool is available for creating aspects. Check out editor tool for more information.

Example aspect file MyAspect.gum

aspect MyAspect 
    int MyInt;
    string MyAspect;
    double MyDouble;
    Transform MyTransform;
    Vector3 MyVector3;

You can use ANY object type while creating aspects.

private void Run()
    //you can call this method from anywhere (from unity editor or a console application)

You can use the Gum.Composer\UserConfig.cs to configure the codegen.

public struct Foo : IComposable
    public int foo;
    public string bar;
    public Vector3 baz;

    public Composition GetComposition() //this part has to be written manually
        //use array pools to allocate less
	//3 = length of the requested array
        IAspect[] aspects = ArrayPool<IAspect>.GetPool(3).Get();
        aspects[0] = new FooAspect(foo);
        aspects[1] = new BarAspect(bar);
        aspects[2] = new BazAspect(baz);
        return Composition.Create(aspects);

public class Bar : IComposable
    public double qux;
    public string bar;
    public Composition GetComposition()
	//2 = length of the requested array
        IAspect[] aspects = ArrayPool<IAspect>.GetPool(2).Get();
        aspects[0] = new QuxAspect(qux);
        aspects[1] = new BarAspect(bar);
        return Composition.Create(aspects);

//as you can see this method can use both Foo and and Bar to operate
public void UseAspects(IComposable composable)
    //always use the disposable pattern or manually dispose composition
    using (Composition composition = composable.GetComposition())
        BarAspect barAspect = _composition.GetAspect<BarAspect>();				


Composition is also available for Unity MonoBehaviours . Deriving from the abstract MonoComposable class enables using composition on Unity objects. MonoComposable class handles creation of composable, deriving classes only responsible for implementing the GetAspects() absrtact method to assign aspects.

public class FooMonoComposable : MonoComposable
    private int _value = 12;

    protected override IAspect[] GetAspects() // Deriving class implements GetAspects method.
	//1 = length of the requested array
        IAspect[] aspects = ArrayPool<IAspect>.GetPool(1).Get();
        aspects[0] = new FooAspect(_value);
        return aspects;

Other usages

    .GetAspectFluent(out FooAspect fooAspect)
    .GetAspectFluent(out BarAspect barAspect);
BarAspect barAspect = (BarAspect)_composition[BarAspect.ASPECT_TYPE];

composition.AddAspect(new BarAspect());

composition.SetAspect(new BarAspect());


foreach (IAspect aspect in composition)
    BarAspect barAspect = (BarAspect)aspect;

Aspect Creator Tool

Editor tool for aspect creation is located on Gum/Composition/AspectCreator on the editor menu. Aspect creator automates adding new aspects to the project. It generates aspects with given name to aspects folder with ".gum" extention. In order to generate aspect, it's required add least one field including it's Type and field name. Aspect generator includes built-in types but it can be extendable via adding new types.

Basic usage:

Adding new types for extending:


Gum.Signals is a very light-weight and simple pub/sub system.


public readonly struct FooSignal
    public readonly int Value;

    public FooSignal(int value)
        Value = value;
SignalCenter signalCenter = new SignalCenter(); //pass this reference to places of usage (preferably with a DI framework)

private void Bar(FooSignal fooSignal)
    //do stuff

signalCenter.Subscribe<FooSignal>(Action); //to subscribe
signalCenter.Unsubscribe<FooSignal>(Action); //to unsubscribe
signalCenter.Fire(new FooSignal()); //to fire signals