
Atomic Plugins for Ads

MPL-2.0 License


Atomic Plugins for Ads

This repo contains Ad APIs designed using the Atomic Plugins paradigm. Monetize your app and take advantage of all the features provided: elegant API, flexible monetization solution that works across multiple platforms, full support for banners and full screen ads (interstitials), single API for different Ad Providers and more. The API is already available in many languages and we plan to add more in the future:

Currently there are 4 Ad providers implemented but new ones can be easily added:

  • AdMob with optional adapters
  • Chartboost
  • Heyzap with optional adapters
  • MoPub with optional adapters

You can contribute and help to create more awesome plugins.

About Atomic Plugins

Atomic Plugins provide an elegant and minimalist API and are designed with portability in mind from the beginning. Framework dependencies are avoided by design so the plugins can run on any platform and can be integrated with any app framework or game engine.

Provided APIs

Android API:

API Reference

See API Documentation

See AdTest for a complete project that tests all the features provided in the API.


AdService interface provides an easy to use Ads API that can be used with different Ad providers with built-in support for multiple banners and interstitials.

Setup your project

Releases are deployed to Maven Central. You only have to add the desired dependencies in your build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile '' //AdMob Ad Provider
    compile '' //MoPub Ad Provider
    compile '' //Optional MoPub AdColony adapter
    compile '' //Optional MoPub AdMob adapter
    compile '' //Optional MoPub Chartboost adapter
    compile '' //Optional MoPub InMobi adapter
    compile '' //Optional MoPub Greystriper adapter
    compile '' //Optional MoPub MillennialMedia adapter


//Instantiate the desired ad provider
AdService service = new AdServiceMoPub(); //MoPub
AdService service = new AdServiceAdMob(); //AdMob

//Configure default banner and interstitial adunits
service.configure(bannerAdUnit, interstitialAdUnit);

//Create banner: optional AdUnit and AdSize arguments
AdBanner banner = service.createBanner(this);
banner.setListener(this); //Optional banner listener

//Layout the banner as you want

//Create interstitial: optional AdUnit argument
AdInterstitial interstitial = service.createInterstitial(this);
interstitial.setListener(this); //Optional interstitial listener

//Show an interstitial;


API Reference

See API Documentation

See LDAdService.h LDAdBanner.h LDAdInterstitial.h header files for a complete overview of the capabilities of the API

See AdTest for a complete project that tests all the features provided in the API.


LDAdService class provides an easy to use Ads API that can be used with different Ad providers with built-in support for multiple banners and interstitials.

Setup your project

You can use CocoaPods to include the desired Ad providers:

pod 'LDAdServiceAdMob' //for AdMob
pod 'LDAdServiceMoPub' //for MoPub

If you are using MoPub you optionally can include the following adapters:

Chartboost adapter AdMob adapter Millennial Media adapter


//Instantiathe the desired ad provider
LDAdService * service = [[LDAdServiceMoPub alloc] init]; //MoPub
LDAdService * service = [[LDAdServiceAdMob alloc] init]; //AdMob

//Configure default banner and interstitial adunits
service.settings.banner = @"....";
service.settings.bannerIpad = @"...."; //optional (use if you want an specific AdUnit for iPad)
service.settings.interstitial = @"....";
service.settings.interstitialIpad = @"...."; //optional (use if you want an specific AdUnit for iPad)

//Create banner: optional AdUnit and AdSize arguments
LDAdBanner * banner = [service createBanner];
banner.delegate = self; //optional banner delegate
[banner loadAd];

//Layout the view as you want
[self.view addSubview: banner.view]; =;

//Create interstitial: optional AdUnit argument
LDAdInterstitial * interstitial  = [service createInterstitial];
interstitial.delegate = self; //optional delegate
[interstitial loadAd];

//Show an interstitial
[interstitial showFromViewController:self animated:YES];

JavaScript API:

API Reference

See API Documentation

For a complete project that tests all the features provided in the API run the following command:

gulp create-cordova


Cocoon.Ad class provides an easy to use Ads API that can be used with different Ad providers with built-in support for multiple banners and interstitials.

Setup your project

Releases are deployed to Cordova Plugin Registry. You only have to install the desired plugins using Cordova CLI, CocoonJS CLI or Ludei's Cocoon Cloud Server.

cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-admob; //AdMob plugin for iOS
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-mopub; //MoPub plugin for iOS
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob; //AdMob plugin for Android
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-android-mopub; //MoPub plugin for Android

//Optional MoPub adapters for iOS and Android
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-mopub-adcolony;
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-mopub-admob;
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-mopub-chartboost;
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-mopub-millennial;
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-android-mopub-adcolony;
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-android-mopub-admob;
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-android-mopub-chartboost;
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-android-mopub-greystripe;
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-android-mopub-inmobi;
cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-android-mopub-millennial;

The following JavaScript file is included automatically:



//get the installed plugin instance
var service = Cocoon.Ad;

//multiplatform default configuration
    ios: {
         bannerIpad:"agltb3B1Yi1pbmNyDQsSBFNpdGUzzzzz", //optional
         interstitialIpad:"agltb3B1Yi1pbmNyDQsSBFNpdGUtttttt", //optional
    android: {

//Create banner: optional AdUnit and BannerSize arguments
var banner = service.createBanner();

//Configure banner listeners
banner.on("load", function(){
   console.log("Banner loaded " + banner.width, banner.height);;

banner.on("fail", function(){
   console.log("Banner failed to load");

banner.on("show", function(){
   console.log("Banner shown a modal content");

banner.on("dismiss", function(){
   console.log("Banner dismissed the modal content");

banner.on("click", function(){
   console.log("Banner clicked");

 //load banner

//Show or hide banner;

//Automatic banner layout

//Custom banner layout

//Create interstitial: optional AdUnit argument
var interstitial = service.createInterstitial();

//Configure interstitial listeners
interstitial.on("load", function(){
    console.log("Interstitial loaded");
interstitial.on("fail", function(){
    console.log("Interstitial failed");
interstitial.on("show", function(){
    console.log("Interstitial shown");
interstitial.on("dismiss", function(){
    console.log("Interstitial dismissed");

interstitial.on("click", function(){
    console.log("Interstitial clicked");

//load interstitial

//show interstitial;

C++ API:

API Reference

See API Documentation

See AdService.h AdBanner.h AdInterstitial.h header files for a complete overview of the capabilities of the API

See AdTest for a complete project (cocos2dx game) that integrates the C++ Ad API.


AdService class provides an easy to use Ads API that can be used with different Ad providers with built-in support for multiple banners and interstitials.

Setup your project

You can download prebuilt headers and static libraries from Releases page

These static libraries provide the bindings between C++ and the native platform (iOS, Android, WP, etc). You might need to add some platform dependent libraries in your project (some jar files or gradle dependecies for example). See AdTest for an already setup C++ multiplatform project.

Special setup required for Android

There isn't a portable and realiable way to get the current Activity and life cycle events on Android and we don't want to depend on specific game engine utility APIs. C++ and Java bridge is implemmented using the SafeJNI utility. Atomic Plugins take advantage of this class and use it also as a generic Activity and Life Cycle Event notification provider. See the following code to set up the activity for atomic plugins and to notify Android life cycle events.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    //set the activity for atomic plugins and load

Optionally (but recommended) you can use setJavaToNativeDispatcher to configure the thread in which async callbacks should be dispatched. By default callbacks are dispatched in the UI Thread. For example the following dispatcher is used in the Cocos2dx game engine test project.

public Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView onCreateView() {
    final Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView surfaceView = super.onCreateView();
    SafeJNI.INSTANCE.setJavaToNativeDispatcher(new SafeJNI.JavaToNativeDispatcher() {
        public void dispatch(Runnable runnable) {
    return surfaceView;


//Easy to use static method to instantiate a new service
//You can pass a specific AdProvider if you have many providers linked in your app and you want to choose one of them at runtime
AdService * service = AdService::create();

//Configure default banner and interstitial adunits
AdServiceSettings settings;
settings.banner = "ca-app-pub-7686972479101507/xxxxxxxx";
settings.interstitial = "ca-app-pub-7686972479101507/xxxxxx";

//Create banner: optional AdUnit and AdSize arguments
AdBanner * banner = service->createBanner();
banner->setListener(this); //Optional banner listener

//Automatic layout

//Custom layout
banner->setPosition(x, y);

//Create interstitial: optional AdUnit argument
AdInterstitial * interstitial = service->createInterstitial();
interstitial->setListener(this); //Optional interstitial listener

//Show an interstitial

//delete the ads or the service when you are done. You can wrap them into a Smart Pointer if you want.
delete banner;
delete interstitial;
delete service; 


Mozilla Public License, version 2.0

Copyright (c) 2015 Ludei

See MPL 2.0 License

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